Saturday, March 30, 2013


Paraguay is a country in Latin America it is boardered by Brazil Bolivia and Argentina its languages are Creole Castillian Spanish in Asuncion but its fused with Swedish French and other immigrant dialects. Outside of the capital there is meztiaguarani Spanish in the eastern parts. In the western parts
Theres Pensi dutch Aymara Spanish by the Amish and natives in the Chaco. History begins when the
Guarani 2000 years ago formed from the Aymara and the Quidinci indians by 700 AD they gave birth
to a culture the Amabzilla and formed the council of Menkilla the council was composed of powerful
shamans who were sayed to get power from animals by connecting to there brains.The culture lasted till the 1500s when the Spanish took the council of Menkilla and turned it into the Menkillan Assembly at that the authority turned from shamans to Spanish Occultists who fused the idea
of connecting mind energy to brains with The Bread and wine ritual by using Cabolistic chanting they
could connect to human brains and control them. The Guarani had to work on plantations as slaves.
And fuse with Spanish genes to survive and there churches had Menkillan Catholic infused beliefs
All land was given to Asuncion from Lord Suvino and Lord Caperta and was finally under the
Conquistadors with Caperta and Suvino being figurehead lords and the colony became
Paraguay with most of the land and politics being run by Spanish conquistadors it would be
around 40 years before revolution came and Gasper Rodriguez De Francia launched riots against
Spanish rule and with a successful coup became governor president and proclaimed a Republic.
In 1811 after he was president he did things to help the white people of the country but not the people
living on Haciendas he was nicknamed El supremo and was actually a dictator and made the country
live in fear after independence Paraguay was still under a rule of an army and elected every councilor.
Francia finally had a presidential election in 1834 giving Carlos Antonio Lopez the future seat.By 1840 Francia died and Lopez took over the presidency he installed a four year term and Sided with
Lord Capertas son Fenguira Caperta as a duo they launched civil wars to fight the anti Francia groups and put down revolts they also set up a congress to guide the council Finally order broke down and
Lopez was killed and Caperta became elector and puppet presidents headed the country and finally
got rid of the Menkillan system in 1864.During the war of the triple alliances Paraguay lost much of
its land Caperta formed the Caperta anarchist society.It was design to break up haciendas into Tapu's
relating to a source of food and each land was headed by an Amish family.By 1870 the government broke into Neocon Liberal and Radical extremism and terrorism and Caperta was killed and kaos reigned.In 1872 the Amish con took over the government and Fiozteit Veromen declared himself
president for life and abolished the Spanish commonwealth.Soon the country split into 4 states
Turuguay where Asuncion is witch took much of the east Capuota in the north Como,verte to
the south west and Conpor to the north west.After the the civil war that took Turuguay by Como,-
verte Fiozteit was captured and executed in 1897 and Democracy was proclaimed under the
Constitution of Mayan voting and the first Mestizo president was elected Father Apraho of the
Fish tapu.Soon after Paraguay became the most Democratic country in South America and the
most humanitarian trying protect its citizens from injustices it was also the most anti racist
country where races were equal and had a home and the country with the most art such as
cartoons portraits music dolls and toys as well as the first sound movie being piloted there.
It was also the first country to illegalise narcotics as well as to use temperance of Tobacco
and Alcohol.However other countries became jealous of this freedom including northern
country Brazil witch had the most totalitarian government in South America and the least
humanitarian if that with Vanity ruled the markets child profanity ran rapid and streaking
was not punished and religion was persecuted as well as press freedom and the president
still behaved like an emperor and treated the non rich like slaves in 1932 Paraguay won
the Chaco and liberated the population from forced labour and gave them Citizenship
they also allowed them to politics and office.But Brazil now developing into a Fascist
republic and joined the axis powers of Germany and its other Fascist partners soon
Paraguay was occupied by Brazil.Witch began World war 2 and deported many
ethnic people to there concentration camps and installed the Colorado party into power
afterwards Brazil declared war on Germany and Paraguay was no longer occupied.
However the Colorado party stayed in power and soon Alfredo Stroessner took over
the government and declared Paraguay to be a Brazilian Allie soon he began a totalitarian
persecution of the people shutting down many news papers an baning reading destroying art
and putting Innocent people in jail during the 2 world war Brazil allowed outlaws to hide in
Paraguay during Stroessners rule he doubled it soon there were escaped convicts everywhere
and law brokedown soon in 1968 Paraguay broke from Brazil's rule and order slowly started
to comeback soon by 1975 Stroessners power started to wane and by 1988 people decided
to throw him in jail and freedom was restored however the Colorado party is still in politics
today by 2001 they limited the partys influence into a figureheaded group and has not done
much politics since then.

Paraguay socialism.Is a political tradition of the country It was written by Lord Suvino in 1742
when he wrote the Suvino Papacy enabling him to buy the land of the Jesuits Lord caperta used this
law to buy the other miles of land and formed an alliance to do business After the Spaniards bought
the land all of it was controlled by them and not only did Suvino and Caperta now owned the mission
states but much of the land in Asuncion as well Originally it was owned by the crown but they had 85
percent of the city as well and pledged alligence to the governor.Socialism did alot of things in Paraguay such as caring for businesses the development of art Humanitarian effort and the end of
slavery It can still exist at hard times and because of it there Dictators were very benevolent and
are considered hero's.

Hjerpo Democracy. Is a new democratic movement developed by artist Elberxo Hjerpo in 1854 out of Impressio Boroque He created a cult based on Tapu confirmation It goes like this it is a process
of Mayan voting first a person has to do is select a candidate and have it be approved by the tapu
lord Then he would go threw a challenge of games to get a bowl from the stand and bring it back
once then the shaman fills it with a hard drink called Coqwela witch is a old vine of a cocoa put
in a shell and deep fried then aged and then drunk if the person has a vision of a snake dragon then
he is a politician and must rank to the House of candidates to be voted in once then a general electoe
would vote in a person to congress by 5 stages #1 the Federator. In this process the lowest level wo-
uld vote first being the pure Amerindians they would go one ballot for 50.000 and be sent to the ho-
use of lords they can veto it but a overrule of a court judge would mean its accepted then the mixed
races would advance them by another ballot to add more votes out of the majority then the whites
with a limited ballot and they haft to be accepted by the Asuncion sheriff and then the candidate
would become a politician after the house of candidates accepts #2coronation. After that the candid-
ate would haft to prove himself by doing hard politics and hosting ceremonies and throwing parties
then he would be ready for politics if failed then he could be voted out by an Amish.#3 Mayorship
  He would start as a mayor or a House of lords advisor of the city.#4 Double voting. To reach the
Senate he would haft to be double voted by first the House of lords and then the Political party to
become its member.#5 His council. He would put together the people who elected him for him to
head and Finally he is a politician and he would haft to listen to all his people.