Thursday, February 25, 2016

Walking in grace of my soul.

I will tell you many things what i believe for 1 i don't have good feelings of Christianity because it says that"people will go to Hell forever"and i want a way out of Hell and so being a Christian is not for me so i read the Bible and read about Judaism however they stone many people and torture there people for dumb stuff such as stealing and sexual sins(i have torture fantasies that are to dark)and i could do Buddhism or Hinduism and i liked there beliefs of getting people out of Hell and peace and love and them not hurting people and that they try to fight the evil ones such as hungry ghosts and Jealous gods and goddesses and try to help the damned by giving them food however there's other problems such as progress that existence is suffering and it sounds very Cynic of how you get rid of them(get rid of cravings for what is not good)and i wont go to crazy sects such as Confucianism(because it is very Episcopal by male to female and child)or Zoroastrianism(permanent Heaven Hell with a bridge)or Sikhism(same thing with possibly no god yet reincarnation)however i wanted to know more about Taoism however i could not get enough info(all i know is that there is an island of flying people that they believe in and that they are men and women dorms for the believers and it explains Science)so when i was in Yemen many years ago i went to a fortune teller and she was reading a scroll in Arabic and to a tourist and i asked her"what did you tell him?"and she said that he wanted to know his destiny and she told me that everyone has there own destiny and it all begins when there born and no person has the same destiny however i asked her my fortune and it was written in black and she gave me it(if its in black then it means that it can not be read)however it does mean that i could take it so i did and almost left however she said"go to the valley of the dark Jinn's and look for the fire and ice ones and look all over the valley and look at the hole thing so i did and it was like i was in a Hippie fantasy it was very beautiful and sparkly and i thought(is this why people do drugs)and i saw talking flowers and water flowing up by raining and i thought"why is this strange"so then i got messages about the world and for years i studied many places such as Dictatorships and why there were so many as well as Terrorism and it ended when i saw 2 children sleeping and woke up 1 boy 1 girl and they looked at each-other and grew fangs and bit at one another and drank there brains and morphed into Succubus and attacked birds trees and whales then angels showed up and aged them into evil beings and saw them kill creatures then a night appeared and drew a sword and slaughtered them both the sword was put in a rock on an island and it made since to me the valley i'm in is part of a woman's belly and if i go lower id see a hole with water witch would be her navel so i went down and drank from it and it tasted clean and it told me through the water in a reflection to go to the 2 mountains and they had fortresses on both of them and i thought"there's a head further north then i sow the women and she said"the women you see is being punished for her sins the woman is a pure Jinn and she was tortured into these formations so that is her head"and i sow a screaming face and i asked if she could be free and she said"i do try i send my belly dancers to get her out of her prison and i send them all over so that she could get out of her tortures"and then she said"go to the beach and see the mermaids and tell them to send a hurricane to wake her up so i did and the place got flooded and she came to life and i finally knew what these meant it was a reference to what the empire was back many centuries ago and it was called Jobs grave and many people are in prison hear as mountains valleys lakes fields and skies as well as clouds and the Devil tortured Job to hate God so his grave is a symbol of mans struggle of his or her journey of good and evil and all the stuff i sow was what would explain the after life and i could now read what my scroll said and it was in perfect English and it was to"free people from spiritual oppression"so the she asked me"you can barrow ideas from the International Muslim nations and you will like them"so she took off her veil and suit and she just wore a belly dancing bra and then danced then disappeared then i turned the page and found how to contact them so when i got back to Perth i called many Nations of Islam and got many books and texts and i decided to found my own Nation the L'Audrey nation or freedom from the Strawberry-landers and ill tell you how this works when in the 70's when the hippie were ruining the economy Strawberry shortcake was created and helped many people who were hippies as greeting cards and they thought she and her friends were innocent soon she made a toy-line and books then when her cartoons were made she had hot friends and she soon took many people and this is the first step to salvation is Psychedelic rescue slavery and i am under it and many people who have bin oppressed get sexually liberated by submission under a girl who's more dominant then he is and fight the evil oppressive government and be in rebellion and fight evil leadership and from 1980-83 anybody who was sexy was in and there was an explosion of sexual products and it didn't mater if you were a pedophile or gay or bestiality was your sign or if you were a hyper sexual or anything people wanted to feed there sexual hunger and companies appealed to all varieties of sexuality there was one comic book character named cherry pop tart and she was based on the Archie comics and they made her for adults and all this was to do is in slave people for a new salvation and what it shows is that in any culture there are people who are watched over by sexual beings and what was known as Satanic ritual abuses in the later 70's from the Hippie movement was being crushed by Hip hop Punk and the Yuppie movement and by the discovery of aids people did things to stop sexual cravings and this is what people have as a positive for instance one person who is tied down to a favorite TV show character such as Lemon meringues entrapping erotic objects of pleasure one being that a man tries to go away from her yet she scrunch's her breasts to bring him back and then he asks to look at it and she also could moon him as another weapon so this is holy of her to do this and people should do this but to get him out of this we need another salvation and this is what the Lil-Audrey nation is about we try to make people free from evils by wisdom and we use the Hadith(of Paramount cartoonists)and once discovered we use Salat's for locator spells and we believe in Jihads(a persons fight against a mental enemy)so lets make the world a better place by defeating your mental enemies and save there spirits and i will tell you through the 15 principles of the Spirit soul and body.

1)All things are subject to rules and you haft to disconnect from all of them or you will get your spirit stolen.

2)The way through this is the 4 paths of wisdom and path one is to get Mana from a sacred being witch could be(Jesus Moses Muhammad or the secret Prophet witch could be random characters)

3)The second path is to become a warrior(to fight and provide)and you can pick your prophet(to help  you to fight and provide)for him/her.

4)Learn from sacred texts such as the Gospel(Injel)and the Tora(Torat)and the other sacred doctrines.

5)All non prophets or other types of mystic are not holy enough to call as a salvation however they are good enough to get knowledge from or study or use as worship however it is a prophet who would be rescuer and no one else.

6)All mystics are words of the Prophets weather there Bushmen Shamans Diviners or people who practice witchcraft however if one chooses one over them then they will be committing Sorcery and get the bad spirits(Jinn)to steal him and he will die.

7)The end of the world is good it means that the world is being cured and the dead are rising to destroy it the world is evil and needs to be exterminated for a world that's all good with no evil in it so everyone could live happily ever after just like in fairy tales(they might not be real but again all wisdom is accepted).

8)The Messiah(that's the holy grail of king David)wants to destroy the world and needs your help and
you can do it by preaching to rocks trees rivers your car as well as your friends not to mention all the things in your house as well as buildings and Jesus said remember"go into the world and preach to everything"that's right you haft to reach to everything not just the things that move but everything that's inanimate because the"wages of sin is death"so everything on earth is dead and we are needed to get them back to life so we need rituals from many places such as Apache lore and Hopi legends and Voodoo again all wisdom welcomed.

9)Original Sin lead from the tree of Life and Death dating back to Adam and Lilith and Adam came down from heaven as the winged heart and was put in the ground with a seed and god shined Mana on him and he was brought back to life and was called Human or(Homo-sapiens with Lilith as his wife)and was put on a vine till he matured and this is how all life began then Lilith ate the apple and turned evil and god kicked her out and she became a Succubus and attacked creatures and Eve came and tolled him to eat the apple and the problem was Vilespu the last dinosaur(not to be confused with Denver)who altered the apple to turn people dangerous like his kind the dinosaurs(trans terrible lizard)
so Adam and Eve went and met Lilith who was a Dragon and tolled them"you will be Lizards for the rest of your lives"so by this time they made original Sin and it was from Dinosaurs.

10)Dinosaur are trying to send us to death by making us sin and got extinct because they sinned allot by killing each other and died when many mass extinctions were present so Hobbit's or evolved rats ate them and made cloths out of them and and made tools out of bones and enslaved other dinosaurs for transportation and doing chores for them and became there pets and security and this began the nation of Atlantis and was ruled by King Neptune and this was the early civilization and everyone was happy(who was a Neanderthal what they were called now)and at the time the Neanderthals were over 100 to 10 feet tall and took over the hole world and mass extinct many Dinosaurs and forced them to build huge Pyramids and houses to reach for power however there hole empire fell when a comet hit a structure and smashed it and flooded the hole world and that was the end of the Neanderthals and the Dinosaurs till Adams heart came down and was planted in the dirt witch saved many species and this was the beginning of the Human race and Humans are a fusion of all species that were chosen to come back to life and there were many beings who were brought back as fish rabbits and foxes in the garden of Eden and the first Emperor was Vilespu the last Dinosaur who had a nice palace with guard's servants and owned all land in the garden of Eden and he wanted to have
people or animals eat the fruit of Atlantis(tree of death)so he forced Lilith to eat it and she became a dragon and so after Adam and eve ate the apple they became Sinned and God was angry so he abdicated Vilespu and put Adam in charge of the world and Vilespu rebelled and became Jinn and swore to rule the world again and are called Reptilian Trans-morpher's and grays and become fighters against the Human race.