Saturday, May 11, 2013

Honduras funfacts

Honduras facts
Honduras is a country in Central America with a population of 5.800.458 It is a mountainous jungled land with many cities and towns The main language is Baxtec Spanish(A Indigenous word meaning
the people who use it there way and that its theres)There are also several dialects spoken as stated below.
Criollo Spanish A dialect spoken by the white people of the country it has words such as Siude-(means carpet)and Fiora(means floor)It has influence from Ladino Spanish and Monde(An African-
dialect)It is spoken by 400.000 people.
Garifana Spoken by 250.000 people Its dialects are below.

Englisso-Monde Spoken by 10.000 on the Atlantic coast.

Arawanawa A crossover of Arawak Nahua and African Songhai and Bantu dialects Spoken by 25.200 people.

Fascista-Pepimento A triple crossover of Lenca Songhai and English with each language having more
words of the one Spoken it developed threw war and slave trade it has some guerrilla groups and is the
most Pro Dictatorial group in the country and have racist policies such as restricting people from
meeting eachother they have about 21.000 speakers.

Angroanian The most Spoken dialect of Garifana It is the most influenced and the most word diversed
It crossovers English with Mayan Nahua Spanish Hiberno Arawak Lenkiera(A dialect of Lenca)
Dutch Songhai Monde and others It is Spoken by 122.000 people It is also the most racially-diverse
It was originally Hiberno-Anglo-Pepimento in the 1700s.

Suduaro Patois A dialect where the words are evolved and also unidentified with often prenunsiations
sounding strange it is the least spoken dialect with 1.500 speakers and often persecuted by many groups.

Patoais and Pepimento-Colombian movements
A diverse group of many dialects started in 1871 as a revival of dialects created during the time of
Christopher Columbuses domain over the country It is infact Garifana because it has huge English
Influences and african afiliation they are spoken by the rest of the Garifana people.

Baxtec Spanish is a fusion dialect in many regions and can share influence from indigenous and Garif-ana dialects It is not exactly considered Spanish But actually Pattois de Cura(A name meaning Patois
of Carley The explorer who went into the country to study the mestizos)

Honduras is a Transitional Republic from a Fascist military dictatorship since 1997.The President was Siqula Lopez from 1981-1997 He was the son of Oswaldo Lopez his government was called
Aohi It was about bringing together white Garifana terrorists Criollo millionairs English creoles
Ladino Gangsters and dutch middleclassmen But since 1997 Aohi is still popular in politics and
oppression is still a problem The congress was not even elected till 2001 and every president since
1975 has Ben elected by the vice president or the majority party holder However they had to be
approved by the house of barons before they could be president Only 4 congressmen are elected by
the poor and 5 by the middleclass There has not Ben a real election since 1972 and the Anglican
church poses things in the government as well In some cities people were baned from going to
church and libraries were shut down Schools closed and the police were constantly on patrol

#1)Top of government(The president)
The president is the head of politics in Honduras He was originally called Laz Directo during indepe-
ndence in 1821 and Honduras was not called a republic but a Spanish commonwealth and based on
selling drugs and illegal supplies after the republic was declared in 1854 it was run by an Americo
British government headed by William Walker who ran other central American and South American
governments as well installing the republic and presidential seat General Walker was brutal as a lead-
er and was the most hated tyrant of the time He was arrested and executed in 1867 and Democracy
began The president is in charge of the whole government and can veto or accept any law he wants
But since 1998 he cannot veto a law if a college vote says no and He cannot choose what to do with
prisoners in jail During a period between 1968-1999 the president had enormous powers he could put
people in jail without sending them to court he could suspend freedoms or get ride of them he could kill people who spoke hatred against him or have police torture them Before then it was more Demo-
cratic with voting and protesting During Siqula Lopez's rule he picked the candidates for an election
who were his servents and had no real power he would choose everything for the country and non of
his puppets would rule for real.

#2)The congress.
Is the main council of the government it is in charge of the House of barons and lords and can forbid people who live on fiefs from voting They also grab money from them threw taxes and give it to the
president or keep it for themselves they can make laws but they must be approved by the president or
party leader The president can also add things or change it and make laws by himself with the help of
the vice president or party leader.

#3)Sikonte-Senogweritan(National assembly)Is not a senate but it is the closest thing people have for
Democracy It is a joint combination of the House of barons(as leaders)and the Catholic sect Nimonik
(A movement that believes that Nahua Beliefs can help understand Jesus)as well as the Angroanian organization Dujopoxa(A council that runs the fiefs on the north coast)and the Baxtec peons of the
country There was never really a senate in Central America so in 1962 The bishop of the House of
barons chose to install a type of senate to create more voting and can include anybody from all lev-
els of Society and can actually vote people in by popular vote and can Impeach or Evict a politician
as well and since 1994 can go against congress or president It is actually a National assembly and
more for Justice.

#4)Houses of Barons and Lords. Headed by Bishops it is the place of the most wealthy people in the
country It was established in 1524 by the Spaniards and they own 74 percent of the land and holds
all the people as well.

#5)Court and Legal system. Headed by Judges and jurymen It is ran by The house of Lords and Barons and laws written by the Bishops No Attorneys exist so defendants protect themselves and no
Guilty or Innocent people are just there for Jurymen to study them to see if they committed crimes
and Detectives also are part of court and they are the people who could convict them of the crime.

Religion and Mythology.
57 Percent of Honduras is Catholic since a few years ago Many churches a then declared themselves
protestant the sects are new such as Crust of the Pineapple and Tojai-Pentecostal A sect that believes
that King Arthur was a Prophet other sects are stated below.

Kite-Lutheranism. The belief that Kite flying can capture energy from heaven and uses Ben franklins
Kite story as an example of how electricity came from heaven followed by 15 percent of the populat-

Protestant Nimonik. Called a rebel sect of Nimonik with the same beliefs and ideas Jesus is Deist in
this idea because he is more considered a speaker not a heeler or a commander or even a king They
Consider god to be real king because he is actually powerful however his daughter Sara is important
because she continued his lineage of decent for Christianity known as The holy grail Worshiped by
8 percent.

Castel-crust-Church's.Worshiped by 18 percent of the populace believes in Resurrection in Gnostic beliefs
and Jesus,s powers.

The rest are Non religious.

History and tradition. Honduras was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1497 He gave the name Honduras from The word for deep water He found The Lenca who where descended from Toltec and Mayan ancestry and now fought them for end to Slavery of the Lenca They where forced into Hingas
(Mayan Slave Tapus)so they could build temples and pyramids  for the Mayan landowners and given
little food or water Columbus thought of the Mayans as Superior people for doing these things and
gave them land in the Caribbean to own and Caribbean slaves to work on it as well Soon The Lenca
fought Columbus as well and his pirates and Columbus and the Mayans enslaved hundreds of Indians
against there will but soon Amerigo Vespucci was in South America while that was happening they
got a letter from the King of Spain saying that Columbus was doing Piracy and he must go to the
Caribbean ASAP soon he loaded his ship and went to fight the Mayans and Pirates When he got
there he saw that Native Americans where being abused by Columbus and was killing them Soon guns and
Ammunition as well as canons where shooting against the pirates with help from Cortez they attacked the
Mayan Kingdoms and bought in the crusaders to set up Church,s and abolish human sacrifices finely tribes
where rescued by Vespucci and the Crusaders and from this day the land was called Amerigos land or
in Latin America But there were problems the tribes could not take care of themselves and were to stay
Slaves and have the Conquistadors now called creoles take care of them and fuse into creoles while being
wage laborers for 300 years finely in 1821 they were independent and established a privy house of officers
headed by a director elected for 10 month(later 15 month)terms by the Slaves and had apprentices who
could evict a governor from power and pick another.

Formation of Honduran government.
Director-general Dionisio De Herrera first leader of Honduras 1921-27 founded the Ytuma council headed
by 10 officers and below 70 apprentices and the House of Magistrates and nights of Vespucci to hold the
legal system who held court and police jury elected for a longer term of 2 years but could be evicted if to corrupt by the House of Game(house that could challenge politicians if disliked)and the House of Elders
Philosophical leaders who head political parties and own newspapers as well as books with that there would
be the House of College philosophers to think of ideas for politics.

How it works.
On his journey of being a politician the apprentice must pick a Magistrate and an elder combined they could
have nights and college students working for him and lead a political party as well as pick legal system ideas
The house of game studies as critics and could evict a politician of a seat once then an officer could make him director with an election but they must be Descended from Bishops Barons or Lords and must not be
Middle class men but the Middle class and poor people can be supporters in elections as well as college
students or officers and wives and Middle/poor men can be the brains behind every victory and could
become president and this has happened many times for middle class people but the poor rarely They would
then be in a political machine and could move up from city level to state capital and government and fuse with
a party or form there own and rank to the Assembly of government(later congress)and could become president.

Assembly parties and republic.
In the Assembly there are many seats and 5 colors Red orange yellow for the Liberal party and semi conservative and gold and brown for Conservative if a person crosses a issue or philosophy then he could
be of ether party if the president won a election then his color could run and attack his enemies and each
could represent a different party and could found another one.

Creation of political parties in cities.
The first two political parties to come out of cities were The Liberal-Nationalo-middleclass-movement and
the Conservative-party of Barons and lords in subparties there were Marxists for Liberal-Nationalists and
Fascists and Aryanists for Barons and Lords who would help them a Marxist was usually fare red and
Fascists were fare brown.

Est of Republic and rise of drugs and Dictatorships
1838 Honduras was finally a independent country and was democratic with presidents elected for five year terms and
protests allowed but a traditional mixture from The leaf of the Chocolate plant by shredding it up adding
sugar and adding dirty water and turning it solid by sitting it out and then it would turn into chunks finally
it could break into powder it was called cocaine and people sold it to other countries but the people who
sold it were Marxists and Fascists and they became rich and could exercise power over people in 1844
from Cocaine selling Marxists payed mercenaries first and called them Crusaders for power and killed many
people soon Fascists did the same and called them White death and did worse city political boss called them
De terrorisa or Terroristo from then they were called terrorists and took over cities in other countries as a
commonwealth it sold new strands of medicine to America and Europe but illegal stuff as well William Walker a American general came and took cities and states with the help of drug lords and finally est a real
Republic but he took over much of central and south America but not entirely Honduras many cities fought
him and in 1867 they captured him and executed him by hanging and was shot.

Democracy and good times.
After Walker was shot Liberalization began and people started going to have fun and the republic nationalized freedoms such as freedom to leave land and freedom to sue there lords and people were not
Slaves any more they were called Peons or peasants and food multiplied and population increased as well
as the new art form called Vycomo(about painting commercial pictures as cartoons)and Peons could vote
in there lord or banish him and Meztisos became Lords and Barons and founded there own Fiefs and stores
as well as created new ideas for business and cowboys grew in numbers threw witch meat became common.

Grange fief.
In 1878 the Grange fief was created It is a fief owned by cowboys and they could lease land to peasants and
they could own land under jurisdiction of cowboys soon the House of Cowlords was founded and supported
the peasants and created the blacksmith and factory class.

Negatives of neighbors.
By 1902 Honduras was democratic and progressive but in Guatemala and Nicaragua Democracy was hard
Post Walkerists ruled the countries from the Union of William walker and they were Dictatorships run by
Conservative Fascists and threw out countries Conservatives and Liberals fought civil wars for control and
sold drugs to the west for gold and also weapons Nicaragua was ran by Caub Walker(William Walkers son
1855- 1893)and Guatemala was headed by Justo Rufino(1862-1888)both were overthrown and shot and
Liberal Policarpa Bonilla wanted to make sure that Honduras didn't become a Dictatorship and made ways
to go against them the Guatemalan government founded the Aohi and it went to many countries to promote
Fascism and did Terrorism soon there were battles over cities secret agencies and spyship developed by
Bonilla to capture terrorists and interrogate them with white noise soon sells were hunted and attacked as
well as burned with people being in jail.

End of Democracy.
Tiburcio Carias"Human knife"Andino(1931-48)also known as "Human knife"of Guatemalan origin became powerful and overthrew the government and installed the Aohi in 1931 and declared Honduras as a alley of Italy Portugal and Japan later Germany It was soon occupied by Brazil during WW2 when Carias died Brazil stopped occupying Honduras but Julio Lozano Dias(1948-57)became Absolute president and unleashed a reign of terror such as persecuting newsreels closing down schools killing immigrants and using
government money to throw festivals for the rich He also starved people in jail and tortured woman killed babies by throwing them into a tree and beheaded many suspended elections and legalized slavery for kids
finely he got rid of the democratic laws they had since 1872.  

Beginning of Lopez rule 1962-97
After a fake democracy of Ramon Villeda Morales That's wen Oswaldo Lopez became Absolute president of the dragon and killed many woman and children and made slaves of remaining prisoners and critics started
to think that Masonic ties were with these governments that were becoming dictatorial and the Lopez family
were all sayed to be Freemasons Siqula took over after him.

Jennifer Lopez was inducted into the Lopez family in 1986(original name Jennifer Muniz)George Lopez is related several generations to Siqula and Oswaldo.
Ways of getting away from fiefs.
1)If the final lord dies(as legend would say)then the Slaves/servants/Serfs would go off the land and
farm thing for themselves or have the land split up.

2)If the lord gets to old and has barred no children then the Court(Militia)or House of Nimnu Theology(Study of Nimnu energy witch is energy from hearts cut out of people for offering)
would take the office and elect a new lord in threw 4 tasks praying for Nimnu energy from
the hearts of ancestors once achieved then go and bless children with your blood then have a revel-
ation of a way that might help the land finely make people follow you and support you and during
end of electing then the Militia general or house head would ask his Cabinet to get him dressed
for lord and finely have the local college vote him in with one ballad of 70 workers.

3)If theres no accomplished education in a parents job then move him the to the city for modern

4)Fief could be abolished on a holiday or if people are sick.

5)If the lord lies or is dishonest with people then taxes are abolished and no authority can take there

Cowboy culture.
Many people in Honduras about 37% are cowboys and are free of Feudal residence and own there
own ranch's on un-owned land and are the majority voters for politics and are major Entrepreneurs
and protesters of bad politics and anti-oppressive.

Marriage and Romance.
Honduras is the few places where romance is taken with huge importance according to there tradition
it is common for even 4 year olds to start chasing girls and kiss to and once they are 8 they can touch
each other in private areas and get feelings of Sadism and do submissive practices which is good for
everyone because it means they will have sleeping's and by then they are forced to be Married and
they can now be adults and help parents at work and this is the most positive thing there is.
Marriage percentage.
The amazing thing is that everyone gets married and is the only country to have 100% of the populous that are couples or not virgins no other country has this and it is because that during the early Spanish era to modern times there was a lot of tyranny and suppression that the people had nothing to look forward to so one way to get more freedom and rights in a culture that is run by
strict oppression such as dictatorship drug lordship slavery and the minority was to break down this
Evil by you guessed it sex and during the Spanish era native American woman would pick men to
come inside her house to have men look at how strong she got from beatings so she would be part
of a parade so a town could look at her and that's not all streaking was common and once photography was invented pictures off nude women circulated and nude shows were popular and not
to mention strip clubs soon once movies were common Sexploitation was popular however innocent
porn was still popular even with the introduction of B movies which had vile content and sickening
shock scenes so many stayed with independent movies which were much kinder and during the cold
war people started having posters of sexploitive women and sexual satires were in comics of politicians being caged by women and to make things even stranger there's a legend in Lenca myth
of a hot women traveling the streets on a horse and chariot and if a man.    

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