Friday, May 17, 2013

Tonga afterlife

Tonga afterlife The culture of Tonga is a highly Spiritual society Priests could range from Deviners Wizards Witches and Prophets
Magic is commonly in practice and Belief in the unknown is every-
where They have there own mystics The Bihitues and there specialty is the afterlife threw study over 800 years they have found
that the way of the world beyond is found in not the Tapu's or Mana but in weather and disasters as well as beauty of trees and beaches and animals what does all off this mean well it is a Puritan
belief that everything came from god and it was corrupted when
the Noah flood created diseases and sickness with a fusion of
the death of many people who sinned and water as well as dirt.

#1)Preparation for death.The process would begin when a Bihitue sayes a prayer for a dying person then he tells people how to prepa-
re they first cover him/her in jewels then they Carrie him to a church
to put oil on him then they make him eat volcano-barbecued-bread
Then they carve a stick of spirits and make him hold it Then they
tie him up on a totem pole and stand it up then puts him on a moun-
tain and tickles him finely when night falls and the dying victims
about to breath his last breath the Bihitue takes the club when the
music plays and puts it into his air mussle the persons finely dead
when steaked to the totem pole and then they Waite for daily mume-fication when rain hail or nature Begin's to change it or severe weather blows it away.

#2)Beginning of the spirits journey.The beginning of department of this world would first need to be guided by a Seavutta(A mermaid
that flies threw the air) but he would haft to Waite on the mountain
on his totem pole by then the spirit would go into it and he would
be a tiki and he would haft to talk to her to go with her then she
would then Kiss him on the foundation and he would turn into a
A Puritan sketch of a Seavutta outside of a village hut
In this picture she is sayed to kidnap chieftains for there barbique then they could
 eat them and get memory and information of the government.
tikiarma(A tiki spirit with wings)But he would not look human
any more but look like the tiki in witch the spirit would have a
new form and he would go to Burgimu(The island of the dead) with
his seavutta and his seavutta would get him ready for judgement                                       
and not without his seavutta is he able to succeed first he would
haft to defeat the sand elf in witch her looks might be to attractive
for him if he likes her then he would haft to stay in her world as a
servant and his seavutta would hate him forever this isn't a terrible
disgrace most of these spirits would rather stay with the sand elf
But the seavutta could become a deadly demon to get him back
and destroy the sand elf then all of the spirits would go to the tomb
of immortal stupidity were the seavutta would suspend them of thought emotion and feeling and keep them prisoner forever the
seavutta is sed to be the most mean and selfish of all the afterdeath
characters she cheats people and steels from them it is sed that peo-
ple in Tonga ask priests to perform a ritual on there things so that
Seavuttas don't take them and accidents are even caused by them
They are the con'artists of reality causing wars hatred and disease
now if the person defeats the sand elf the people would go with her

A woodcut of a sand elf from the Vava'u group This one is
sayed to be 4000 years old
as well this is another contrick now if they go with her she would lie to the elders and try to have them kill the other sand elves this
would be a worst fate because if they found out that she was lying
he could go to hell but if the sand elf survived from fighting then
she could defend him and put him in tartarus for safety and send
his Seavutta to be chained in Abadin till the end of the world
finely the sand elf would make him a dream coat and he would
have a domain on Earth and after 100 years he would meet a mo-
narch and talk to him in his sleep and finely his judgement would
begin and a ritual would be arranged if he would go to Heaven or
Hell failing his would be the altamit disgrace because you would go
to the center of Hell were tortures the worsed It would begin with the ball of judgement and a group of devining psychics it would
go down a ramp 4 times and if its high then it would be put into
a church if it is in the middle then it gos to the place he died
and smashed were he would be a tiki forever to watch over the
land of his birth but if its the lowest then it is smashed and he
gos to Hell. If put into a church it is blessed and prayed for
and finely he can ascend to Heaven.

#3)First level of Heaven(Funurmus)The spirit begins to enter the first gate leading to Funurmus(The world of the first Tapu where
the worlds grandparants live)There he would be judged by the
memory of lineages dating to the people landing on Earth from
Funurmus If the grandparants say about much of his family not
making it then he cannot pass to the second level It would be him
studying ancestry If he fails or finds out that the majority did not
make it Then he would become a leader of a world or a Nature
tree plant or fungi or even a bacteria.

#4)Second level of Heaven(Purminus)The second level is Purminus
Witch is the level where Purification begins and all evils are remo-
ved from him making him perfect In this level a feast is conducted
for celibration Then he gos to the space level in witch he can finely
leave the Earth and start to travel to Siubusa(The Utopian kingdom)
on a asteroid He finely made it Utopia at last he has achieved saint-
hood and can finely live in a perfect existence and it is on the flying
islands of Siubusa and the final judgement to stand at the gate of
Siubusa and there would be a Seavutta guarding it finely he would
look into her eyes and if she senses something wrong with him she
would read the book of life and his name not in it then she would
show him it and say"Poiucee uilo"TRANSLATION(You are not in
this book) and scare him into freezing Then she takes off his irises
and pupils and turns demonic and eats him for he suffered the worst
judgement a oblivion soul It would dissolve in her stomach and no
afterlife but with hope he could reincarnate and start over if a guy
be brave or fearless to fight a Seavutta and win She would have his
memory but his thoughts would not exist nor his mind for he had
comitted one of the seven deadly sins or a unforgivable sin and memory would be in books or videos to find out about the human race
and attack them but if passed and no Seavutta is there then he couldpass into paradise and live forever as a saint.                             

#5)Paradise at last(Siubusa)He was in paradise with happiness and
joy love and peace forever with a domain over Earth and a huge house and as an angel and finely he meets god and Jehovah and Jesus
and the prophets. He would then repressent one of Jahovahs avatars
and promise to fight for him during Armageden. He could side for
Maui-tangoloa(who is the body of Jahovah)Spirit Bondiaku(his spi-
rit)Immortal Caubui(his immortality)and Buitiva(the elf that is his
A picture of a hotspring in Ha'apai islands The spring is a Tapu
belonging to the Jahovahs wittness church In it are sayed to
be a family of seavuttas and a prison for tikiarmas.
It is by a British journalist.
brain heart and emotions)

Shuokui and Kaykua Are the
angels who go back to earth to
rescue people during the end of the world and Kaykua is the
kingdom they will fight in it is
going to be built by a reformed
seavutta and she will be there
empress and it will rule the
world but she would really be
the false prophet and elect in
the antichrist It would rise demons from Hell and create instability
People will die and the Shuokui would be demons as well to lie to
Heaven and separate it from the Mortal world to send people to Hell. Jesus would go around this plan and go to Earth and save them. And the Shuokui and Kaykua would be annihilated.

Tongan gods and saints. Tongan gods are still worshiped in the isl-
ands There are 4 pantheons The Tialnuva The Hujova The Nimvo
and The Jiunimis and they survive as saint venerations for instance
St Joseph is Jesus's step father but he is pared with the tiki spirit Ji-
viola and St Micheal is represented by the leader of the Tialnuva
Ranginui Also are the high ranking Tikiarmaa who are represented
by the Apostles. And gods can differ between sects such as Jahova-
h's witnesses worshiping the Nimvo into angels or Mormon's wors-
hiping everyone in Heaven as a saint There are also bad gods or
Jiunimis they are paired with Beelzebub and Judas as well as dem-

Bomvo path(Way out of Heaven or Hell)When speaking of early Christianity(Gnosticism) It is ok to think of a way out of a world
this would be the Bomvo path a secret path out of ether Heaven
or Hell It could be behind a rock or in a castle and can go from
50-100 miles from the destination A select few would find this
place and could use it also to get back.

Sneiton(Satan)Lord of Hell. Sneiton called lord of Hell is differen-
tly depicted as a harry creature with a grass skirt A green crown
purple armor and a head fin.

Pre christian afterlife(Pulotu). A world where Chieftains went to lead there followers to heaven there they would become gods and
goddesses of salvation of commoners But evil dwells in this world
by demons called Bviokei or Tevolo who could eat Chieftains for
information and use it to get at the living if that they could go to
Luyotu or there version of Hell where spirits are chained and have
brains for thinking Bviokei thoughts Seavuttas have dwelling in 
Pulotu and serve the Bviokei to capture spirits.

Hunonute(Tongan Halloween). Nights of the dead on Oct 28th-Nov 2nd Unlike American Halloween they do not go trick or treating or ware costumes(areas can differ)but have parades go to Church for
parties and play games and go into trances to talk to dead ones then
once people give offerings to the dead they come back from the gr-
ave and wish people good luck for The hollodays Then its followed
by The Barbeque of the Blowfish Bore and Moa(representing air
land and sea)And drinking Starfruit Julian It ends on all gods and
goddesses day(all saints day to us)in the morning of Nov 1st inwitch
everybody sleeps or does nothing after sleepless nights. 

Miss understandings of Tongan religious elite. Tonga is a Theocratic state(Church is one with government)and western people have pictured them as nondemocratic and superstitious
these Stereotypes are not exactly what they seem to be The Puritan 
religion does not say of Democracy however it does say that the
Church could have more ideas for instance even that religion has
power doesn't mean that it cant be cool for one idea one doesn't
just Monitor people wearing scanty cloths or ban them but has
photos of them in there office and puts them in there church
windows as well as paints them in art class and they can be
Erotic as well and Tonga is also known for having the worlds
richest Bishops for instance Father Superior Jousula in the
Stonewell area(in the northern islands)is sayed to be the richest
head monk in the world and Bishop Naujilla owns a lot of
businesses in America and Australia as well as new Zealand
This is because Tongan churches aren't Socialist like the
Vatican has become by using Liberation-Theology(it has become
nonprofit and everything is bought for them by the way)however
high ranking priests get rich easily in Tonga and many own big
mansions one way they could get rich is if the King broke a law
and The Prime minister(head of state church)taxed him(honor
price)it would be so high that his power would limit and rites
would be taken away from him for instance in 1918 Topou T 4th
wanted to marry queen salotua he had to do a painting of her 
as a dominator of the Seavuttas and paint her prettier then
them(This would represent good winning over evil)he did and
the Prime minister liked it however after he was King he did not
do what queen sayed and the military didn't go any where(queen
at the time commanded the court and must approve the king if
married)the Prime minister taxed him a high price and money
belonged to the queen(he was only in power for 2 years and
was hated)so he sent them to court and however they were 
found innocent and they told Topou that he was doing something
wrong and charged him instead with false judgement he then
learned that he should of did what his wife sayed so that he could
achieve power(representing the painting)and destroy evil wealth
is not the only thing a priest achieves many catholics are of course
Traditionalist Catholics(meaning that the second Vatican council
should be relinquished and an end to Liberation-Theology)and
support opposition groups in Latin America to free people of
oppression by Dictators and Terrorists and they know that pope
Pious used his Nights and the Swiss-army-guard to create fear
and kill many people and made him a Fascist Dictator and sided
with Mussolini(wen occupied by Italy)and the Nazis(wen Hitler
visited)during world war 2 and sent his army dropped bombs on
Britain and helped invade France and convinced people around
the world to support him in the history of the Vatican however
wen St Peter was elected Prime minister of the Roman empire
By the Cult of the sun God(A monotheistic sect that believes
the sun is in the center of the Universe)he Established the Vatican
and as a platform he wanted to have Christians climb the ladder
of Society and achieve goals he stopped Crucifixions and opened
seminars(The first churches)to have people be use to Christians
and Christianity spread however wen Pious Died in 1958 and
after his death the second Vatican council was declared and
became an oligarchy wen Marxism was installed so The Tongan
state church is a supporter of freedom of The Vatican Citizens
fund and tries to free people living under the Second Vatican
 council and tries to give voting rites for all Catholics(only the
Council is allowed to vote for Pope)and stop religious based
Terrorism all over the world and grant people asylum in there
country for religious freedom and they pickup new words for
Tongan such as the word Jugija(a word Arabs use for many nouns)and Yxottanu(Tongan word to replace vowels)and make Yjuttanja
(Noun replacing vowels)and the State church owns the state Video
game company of Saint Basil witch produces many video games
and The Proto punk Cult known as Dark-Boatmen formed in 1967
and was not decommissioned till 1984 people play lots of video
games and Polynesia was the earliest creators of the video game
industry(the first one was made in the Marquesas in 1952)and are
the biggest sellers of game merchandising however since 1978
fewer games were made Bishops head the Parliament and Priests
advise them and to become a priest or priestess you haft to start
out as a Monk or Nun and to become one you haft to start out as
a commoner and join a Cult of Divining or Prophecy and look at
symbols in dirt of his home town and accidents and it would be
a Diviner who would choose the next Monastery person if accepted
then a prophet would ask a saint for a future prediction if good then
he or she could be a monk or nun if bad then they would join
Ytevhill cult(a sorcery movement)and become wizards and witches
until they could become monks and nuns then the Diviner would
put him in a trance to have him reach his patron saint and once
then use a Anti-demon Seavutta for purification(a Tongan idea for
Anti-virus's using a sweat sample combined with holy-water and
palm-oil)to find the one who tells him to sin once found then 
he could grab one and go into her mind to read what she wants 
and imprison her in a bottle for keeping then sending her to a saint 
and give the person an image of what she is and have him reach
his goal of Priest-hood by trying to escape her sin by using prayers
and oaths to the Church and a swore to celibacy and from getting
rid of limits of societal norms he could move up the ladder and
become bishop to help people get out of the forces of darkness
being a Bishop is a powerful honor in Tonga because you could
do whatever you want and get lots of thing without being stopped
and you would even be more powerful then the king because
even if the king is the richest person in the Kingdom as well as
the Queen and Prince and princesses The Bishop is there real banker and real power giver and taker as well as accuser and if the
King commits a wrong then the Bishop would come in with soldiers(There called the court)and take him before the Centurions and read his accusations and could limit his authority as leader it
has become so common that Prince Siale Tu'i made himself
Prime minister wen he accused his family Bishop of spending
money for Digital cable in 2000 and made himself Prime minister
under the Kings declaration of the courts centurion and he is said
to be to powerful and has ben accused of making himself be
considered sin-free wen rumor had it that he had 4 Seavuttas cursing him and making him worship Sign-peak(a bird Demon who
lives in Hell and is very powerful and a tormentor)He also accepted
payment from Fiji who is ran by Frank Bainimarama who made
himself premier in 2007 before however it was ran by Premier of
the Aryan people of post-Atlantis Rabuka(1987-2006)and was overthrown by the current one Fiji has ben a Dictatorship since
Premier Ionmui Hijko-(1965-87)who founded the Aryan people
of post Atlantis party. APPAP in 1954 and gained popularity 
threw the 50s and 60s and in 1964 Jumalon Khan(a post Emperor 
name for a ancient state that still exists but many critics say no)
in Suva Said that he could be his assistant of Fiji-Hindustan(A name for Post-Mesopotamian states in overseas areas who retain culture)and became Bodhi-guru in 1965 and was ordained Master
Hijko and was to serve the Khan and replaced his family as a behind the thrown power and head of government he had
become high ranking and he was officially Premier in 1967 and
that when things got bad and he declared himself Sage of new 
Atlantis and made himself Premier for life and when the Khan
was abdicated in 1970 and the Premier chose a non relative of
the Khan which he called new age Dynasty which would last
till 1987 and made Khan-Prince Jimmy Hijko(His nephew)
leader however he died in 1972 and Queen Elizabeth declared
herself leader and civil war broke out between the Hindustanis 
and the Fijian Chieftains however Hijko was arrested in 1988
and was eaten by mountain cannibals and his son assumed Mara(head of former Parliament)however they replaced the House of
Roma-Goths(Monarchs who serve a Khan)with a National
Assembly of Bosses who elects the president on the order of
The minister of elective bureau and not allowed to be leader
until four Ministers give the go and have a mayor of Suva as
Secretary and a Cabinet of Hereditary Bkoahi(Hawk totem chiefs
also called princes)to help him and one could be elected when he
abdicate but not by popular vote but by the 12 highest ranking
bosses on the order of the Prime minister and not accepted till
the Governor of Viti levu says yes and four minister would haft
to coronate him for 1 month and gain power and he would be
president however unlike many stiff governments because they
still have a Parliament or Mara on there order people have a say
and are very important and on the last day a group of commoners
could reach a vote to stop a candidate from advancing and the ballad must have 25 voters for the reach and cannot be overruled 
by anybody and if he leaders weather Premier prime minister
Khan president gets to corrupt then a Chieftain would form a
Vigilance committee and arrest him and they could hit and stone
him if they wanted but they would just put him in jail and have a
Knight decide his fate and could get many days in prison however 
Tonga as a Puritan society votes in there bishops by free family
vote and even though the voting age is 21 it would be up to high 
rank women(mother and grandmother)to get the candidates and
see if a family likes them and could have a choice between 7
candidates and 4 parties congregationalism Saint worship(could also be multi god belief)Jehovah philosophy(Baha'i Mormonism and Jehovah's witnesses of course)and Non-Anglo school(in other 
words no service in English but Tongan and Pidgin and use the
Toxu'ige conception and the story is that a man in 1914 owned 
104 slaves(52 of them children)he was a Cardinal missionary from 
the aristocratic monastery in Papua German guinea and was upset 
that the village was not converting to Puritan trinity and as a penalty he had them join a Militia and see what it meant to be 
Christian and there job was to arrest people for not being part of
a sect of any world religion and they would be called Victim soul
Calvinism(which is a form that uses whips and paddles to have
them be punished for sin when captured)and polls would be put up 
to arrest kids and have them choose there own rod and it would
commonly be birching and making them eat bad tasting acid and
hope that the parents would be Christians and they would call the
Tahitian knights to arrest people soon a child who enjoyed her
penalty was excommunicated for early maturity as well as her family(44 of them by the way)and kept there religion of old alive 
and while that was happening villages were being grabbed by the 
VS Calvinists with them being put in detention camps not to work 
but to be disciplined and starved and excommunicated from there
villages the Cardinal soon made himself head of a new council which he wanted to send missionaries to many islands of his
"being forgiven by being inflicted with pain" policy and made himself Pope of the Calvinist fellowship of St john the divine
in the Marquesas and declared that the Revelation was all true 
and not support Israel then once they found the lost family he went 
there as a knight and brought bondage and canes and found that
they were in the mountains and went there and found huge buildings of coral diamonds and wandered how they did that
when the Doctrine of Assyria says to destroy those who don't believe in are religion and wandered how he could get it and was 
sent to the Presbyterian school in Scotland and said that it was a 
miracle so he called it Gods city and people were released from
camps and made there Pidgin Bible however VS Calvinism was
still there and people soon fought back at there courts of knights
 The King finally banned them from the country and made inroads 
into Samoa were the Chieftains allowed them to live and impose there laws and made them arbitrary there are approximately 1'100 
VS Calvinists in four countries Samoa Tokelau and Kiribati and
are often taken to court or sued they are banned in French Polynesia(Fellowship of St John reformed into a Sorcery cult) and 
is Illegal but it is used for people of illegal sects(such as Scientology)or sins in Vanuatu there is only one Church of it
in the two countries mentioned and can be law in I Kiribati church's
and canings are only allowed.


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