Monday, October 14, 2013


Breaking news.This year marks the 73rd anniversary of Narazetts death.
It was on this day that Japan rejoiced in the end of a bad era inwitch
A picture of deaths at a slave factory.

Narazett a ruthless tyrant and dictator died of old age He was 101
years old He was born to the warrior class of Saka Japan in 1841(real date unknown)
and became Samurai at 14 And became General first class of the
Shogun at 15 and sided with outside influence at 17 as well as picked
Edo(Modern day Tokyo)as his capital of his new empire witch he called
Narazett-Koisha He installed his family in Edo and renamed it Tokyo
from then he named himself Narazett Once then he put modern culture
in Japan for Tokyans but everywhere else people stayed unmodern
and set up work camps for people who spoke anti government
speeches and arrested and tortured civilians and banned reading
A shogun Warrior from the 1850s

as well as jobs so that people could work slave labor in his crown
owned factories and killed Ainu in Hokkaido and executed his
enemies of radio as well as newspapers In 1922 he made Hedeki
Tojo prime minister and and sent soldiers to kill hundreds in the
Pacific By 1938 he had 10 percent of the world under his buildings
and turned Japan into a Socialist state by this time he had killed
1.4 million people and in prisoned 2 million more Narazett died
on Oct 14th 1940.  Reign 1867-1940.

 By Sacramento Memorial service.

After 140 years as a oppressed Island chain of the Tahitian Dictatorship The Marquesas declare that
they will become Oceana's second Kingdom. The daily paper in Pepe'ete started talking about the
future Monarchy and that they had to quench the progress as The Congregational cult of  Caddo
Warriors(Gnostic Cadduism)found there new first Monarch based on decent of the worlds creater
of the Tapu on the Plutonium moons(IE the "planet's" farther then Pluto)saying this is were are 
creator came from as Nar-itu the grandpa of all knowledge and on earth he created the world in
one month on the first day he made the combination of fire(5000 F) and ice(-4'000'000 F)and created
Flying island witch was ruled by Vampire snakes and started taking over the Plutonium empire of
Bury-center Nar-itu and took him prisoner and chopped him into five pieces and made women
Snakes wear them and became five Narisca created air and on the island combined it with heat and
cold and made Dirt and it was made good and balanced and covered themselves with it and thought
that they should make houses and people with it and called it Mud-land and its residents Mud-kin's
and its leader the first Diviner and assistant of the fifth Narisca known as Pum-Mud and made people
serve him but however the mud-kins fought against a horde of Crop-roaches witch became so problematic that the fifth Narisca could not handle so Naritu sent military Fairies to defeat them
under the 1-4 Nariscas and fought them however the Fairies started sleeping with the Mud-kins
and imprisoning them under submission and beating them and scaring them to use weapons and
the Nariscas were ashamed of this so with there anger they sent down water and drowned all Fairies 
in Sodium and Chlorine and got poisoned by both and as a punishment they had to strip and swim half naked for 50.000 years to get rid of the poison many did not make it and some did and
they made it to the crop roaches palace and found there commander the Dragon known as Dolition
who was dying and tolled them you are saved by strength so I will grant my commanding to you 
so to the only 50 fairies turned them into Sacubus like beings known as Moshicas and had them
lead the crop roaches and majorly killed many Mudkins and drained water while roaches(now mutated)got really demonic with glowing eyes and acid breath and death rays however the fifth 
Narisca beared a daughter a Gladiator named Taduhuli and claimed herself as general Taduhu
and said no mercy for the Moshicas and gathered the Mudkins to train them and formed a court
known as Tadu-mudkins and fought strongly in battle with fire and cold and swords however they 
were to powerful and still to strong and the Nariscas sent Asteroids with magical weapon to earth 
and used Arora lasers and star-fire and gas planet gas to fight them soon the crop roaches were 
being slaughtered and exterminated and soon the Nariscas and Taduhu were to get the Moshicas 
soon the crop roaches retreaded into the earth with no one protecting the Moshicas and capture 
them at court Taduhu ordered them to be killed however one panicked and said look in the ocean 
were my kind were burned and they saw the fairies being in a caldron of Hydro-chloric acid and 
being stabbed with spears by that choice they had to let them go and Taduhu became the first
Princess of the Marquesas and the Fifth Narisca disintegrated into laws and doctrines into flying 
language put onto stone and now she can have a parliament and people can immigrate to other 
islands however with the coming of the Catholic Protestant and congregational missionaries 
people cannot tell who is right and they have not a main language(as in Tahiti)and many people 
speak Germen French English Chinese Dutch Irish Scottish or Korean but the main language
more found here is Marquesian however it might not be a language but Maori or Nukuan(an isolate 
of Nuku Islands)or Tuamotuan or Tahuatan however the new government will install Bahasa Hawaii-a to stop the confusion and the King will be the Reincarnation of the 78th Taduh and 
he will bear children and make them prince and princesses of islands and his first order would 
be separation from Tahiti with law Democracy and people could vote if a law is OK or discard 
and if OK cant be put into force unless the king says and over the centuries people thought that 
Piracy and tyranny and taking of there government was the idea of the Moshicas wen they disintegrated into sorcery for bad people by evil diviners to attack the Marquesians and it
is said that many Tahitian tyrants got there oppression from them will the Marquesas get 
independence and self-governing from oppressive Tahiti Gaston flosse the President since
1984 has escaped many attacks from Terrorist groups such as Bon pepe and swords brotherhood.                          

Iraq is now the worlds fastest growing economy with 80 percent industrialization. That's right Iraq now is getting progressive as of the overthrow of the Baath party and now has rising industries which
rival China America Luxemburg(worlds richest country since 2005)Norway and Japan it will now join many well developed Middle eastern countries such as Jordan(most Democratic country)Saudi Arabia the Persian golf Sultanates(Qatar Kuwait Abu Dhabi Bahrain and the Emirates)as well as Oman and Turkey with this advancement of Economics the old system of the Husain leadership has
ben eradicated and products are selling hugely such as candy and amusement park goods and factories are opening and art schools are being founded before 2003 Iraq was under the most strict
and Tyrannical government on earth and the building blocks of its terror wear being created threw it
in 1988 when the Iran war ended because America sold nukes to Iran the Blame was on President Husain and they founded a restaurant in Iraq to hide Illegal stuff to sell to Kurds Shia people and other groups that were hated and police went everywhere trying to close these places down so then
the Neo-Babylonian cult of Gurus thought of underground networks and secret agencies to sell more
products from around and women and children were not spared by the government and they were tortured and killed no mater what age or gender so commercials on radios and if privacy was a key
movie theater showed no mater any back round or age to show super dirty and hot advertising of
Illegal stuff and have people buy them secretly and bosses got really rich and kids got to own there
own houses and own farms or even small apartments and soon a rebellion against this corrupt government was unfolding and people went to gatherings and so Saddam paid many Secret agents
to infiltrate clubs as well as Terrorism and mustard bombed many Aryan groups and by 2002 Iraq looked pretty bad and so America invaded and chased the Baath party out of Government soon
Husain's sons the oldest being the most vicious(secret I met him and he didn't seem nice).      

Leam Kuru talks about his book 80's the decade that ended the cold war. I'm hear with author and archaeologist Leam kuru who studied many things and wear now talking about his book on the 80's
so tell me Mr Kuru why did the 80's end the cold war well the 20th century was the most violent
time in history and it began during the American civil war when the slaves were free making the English world the second culture to end Slavery(after the Spanish in 1822)so after 1865 when the slaves where liberated people thought they would control blacks forever however they started making
money and getting all there taxes payed and were now able to go buy things for there cabins and get
nice cloths and there master had to kick them off there land because they were making money so they
went wondering for work and tried to own land however they were always denied because to them they were not people nor free in there eyes and the former slave authorities would go around in sheets
and attack with violence and shoot them and commit Terrorism and were called the Ku Klux Klan so
the black people went and did merchant selling to survive and did it away from the south so this began the cowboy culture and they did other stuff such as play music dance opened temporary saloons and many other things and got a good payment however the law of the black codes(similar to
the Red codes in Latin America)said"you will serve us or have nothing"that means that they were to exist to work for other higher of status people and that's it they were not allowed to own land or get jobs or go to school or go into any public area and no one would sell a person unless they were rich whites and since there were shortage of Feudal work in the south the masters and lords and barons hired people from all over the world such as Asia Europe and Polynesia and the middle east(thus beginning of Americas melting pot)to work on there lands as surfs in replacement of the newly freed
slaves to work and pay taxes for there masters and lords and it wasn't farming anymore now they had
to build houses railroads streets mine for coal diamonds and steel and it would work the same way 
they were the red codes(for native Americans)Yellow codes(for Asians)and White codes(for non redneck Europeans)so only redneck Americans were allowed to have rights witch is what is stated in the constitution witch says that Protestant or Catholic Europeans(of French British German or Dutch or Spanish)were allowed to have freedoms as stated in the First amendment such as protesting women's right to vote and right to got to court and vote as well as right to assembly or right to Religion was to be held by rich people who own land and the founding fathers wanted the country to be a one party state ran by the Democratic-Republicans so then Andrew Jackson attacked many people under his command so the Whig party formed and limited the Presidents power so it was debated that there should be more parties so the Whig party separated the Democracy and Republic for politics and so it was final that there were many issues so the Democrats were in the rural areas and the Republicans were in the urban and the party that wanted to keep slave were the Democrats in
the south so the Republicans went and did things and started to ban Slavery in the cities and north and the Democrats who were angry wanted to keep slaves so(who were mostly in the south)so the Slave authorities started shooting people who defied them so by 1861 they signed a confederate agreement to fight against Washington DC and the civil war began and lives were lost so by 1864 John Wilk's
booth shot Lincoln in hopes it would end and it didn't by 1865 it was considered the most bloody until WW'2 so the south got defeated and reconstruction began and soldiers ran away to be cowboys
and it was violent and they wanted all unfit people under there control however the government came and shot people so by 1877 they started to realize that the Black codes were no good so the government decided to think of a new idea to keep order so they red a story called the adventures of 
Huckleberry Finn in the paper and thought"we could improve the lives of many people by secretly splitting them up and give land grants and homesteads to everyone however we haft to put them in 
quarters and give everyone jobs and there own stores so there was no race war and they called them Jim-Huck bird laws(more famously known as Jim crow laws)so it began and this was the real benefit of the civil war for the first time in 400 years all people could own land and get educations and buy or
build houses and get jobs and go to stores as well as found them witch were not as many as before however after Jim crow was established stores exploded and people could go places without being 
hurt and the KKK were disestablished however the down side was that nobody who was to different 
colors were to meet each-other if they were different ethnicity and everybody was not happy many nonwhites in the south went to cities for jobs and money witch the mayor put up walls and fence to have no 2'3'4 or 5 groups had contact with each-other so many moved north to get away from this tyrannical leadership and because Blues and Ragtime were becoming popular(Ragtime became Jazz)
classical music was dwindling in sales and this made white people angry so the Master order(who were almost out of service created a movement out of French British Dutch and Spanish criminal 
ancestry called Lynching mobs who would try to infiltrate other sectors by going through sewers and
sneaking in through laundry bins and broken holes in the walls and cutting wires they were later called the Mafia and through many tactics tried to attack in hoods they called them and shoot many
individuals as well as hack them with axes however there most famous one was Cement shoes(putting feet in water and pouring cement and waiting for it to dry and throw them in the river or ocean)and they robed banks however they were commonly French(Italy was a new country anyways)and they started to make French people higher standing however in the military by world war 1 they owned the military and abused many non French and recruited many people from France
Spain Portugal and a weird new people called Italia or in are words Italians then a old ethnicity becoming reborn called Irish as a alliance they made most Non French people feel left out and they
just loaded weapons and produced ammunition and went on suicide missions while many new recruited soldier took over for other unfit people and so Woodrow Wilson Imposed Jim crow laws on
the military and every ship by 1918 was run by one ethnicity(run by a black or white or Asian or Hispanic captain only)however ran by French white Lieutenant generals sarges Colonels and chief
fighters they officially took over the Military and dominate it for a long while and soon would take 
over the economy during prohibition when they started making money illegally by selling beer and alcohol and soon by 1929 the great depression came about and all businesses were headed by mobsters and got worse as new bad groups were created such as The nation of Islam a Black supremacist hate group and other criminal movements the Nation of Islam formed many attacks and
bombings and it got worse and the Mafia stretched across the ocean to France and Italy as well as
Spain(were they originated during the 1700's and still called lynching Mobs)and formed political parties soon Jim crow was in the north and the far west and soon the American colonies(Puerto Rico
Philippines and later Samoa Micronesia and other US protectorates future states Alaska and Hawaii)
would be imposed when they traveled other places to islands and prisons as well as squadrons were
separated and ships were split into state names(such as SS Arizona Nevada and Alabama)other ways were done to stop problems such as the Tuskegee airmen wear a white officer headed a black air group and by the late 30's the Mafia ran much of the western world took much of Europe Mobster were living like rock-stars and lived in million dollar manors and had nice food and ate lots and had
dances they had nice suites and all powerful business producers(many companies didn't have Presidents)and spread terror through the lives of many people and so now the Mafia wanted to go into
Asia and take over territory belonging to China Nepal and into Africa so they wanted to spread globally and one thing they thought of doing this is you guessed it WW'2 so they waited excitingly for the next big war to break out and one way they knew for sure was the three aspirations as predicted by the mother of Lisbon to three children and wanted to know when it would happen by 
contacting a Fortune teller and predicting if they end up ruling the world and there was no reply at all
and she looked afraid so by 1939 Germany invaded Poland with glee and excitement and many Mob run industries hugely supported the Axis in many ways money guns tanks and forced taxes by attacking and bombing hoods of blacks Asians and Hondurans for support and once surrendered torture them with electric shock and punches till they pay then with excitement Japan bombed pearl
harbor and now they can take many other lands and went off to and they did just that in many islands they landed and captured they attacked and in'slaved many and forced 100's to serve them and give 
them all there food and sow cloths only for them and had them build statues and temples to them and said the Mafia were angels sent by the east coast of the former graceful states wear there was order then a war happened and they lost all there subjects to different trades and asked"will you be one of 
us"soon the American government found something wrong when they found many thing wrong and they moved in and arrested hundreds and however they didn't give up that easy and shot and killed many soldiers and planted bombs in bases and did suicide attacks and robing the other ships and this 
was only the beginning and the CIA went in many factories with guns and spy weapons and investigated many corruptions and brought back evidence to bring them to court and investigated 
many suitcases and files and found that many militants were part of Lynching mobs and were sent to
the firing squad and many were banished many were sent to jail and many Lieutenants and Generals were fired and the military was investigated and they started hunting Lynching mobs with many trialed and found guilty and hanged stoned and sent to firing squad the Mafias dream of territory east was crushed and no recovery was done however the KKK's third clan became deadly and bombed many houses and shot endlessly and soon the government found new ways to stop them and the cold war officially started and they tried to find ways to coexist without segregation and by the other half of the 40's so Paramount and other entities started making educational cartoons to stop problems and
and with the baby-boom parents worried that all this was a bad influence on children so they created 
characters such as Little Audrey an education based cartoon series made to show the dangers of indulgence and rebellion as well as spoiling your child and especially Racism soon her influence 
give way to Little Eva Little dot the Peanuts gang("Charley brown")and Little Angel(who would split into Dennis the menace UK & US)and Sweetie pie also other characters including Caspar and Wendy as well as many new ideas however Segregation got strict because Roosevelt won every election(Democrats wanted Segregation)and the secret to this was when Jesse Owens ran a race and won many metals for many victories winning most above all(though Germany won the games)the rule was that Jesse had to shake hands with Hitler and he was impressed with how Jesse was competing and offered him to compete in the Scandinavia games and he offered him a top seat as captain and offer him a statue on the walk of fame as well as a food brand named after him and allow him into most exclusive German club but he Jesse turned it down(sadly it gets worse)and Jesse wanted to compete in America(poor fool)and he did however he did not get any worm welcomes when he got back instead people with newspapers with him shaking hands with Hitler and with pitch forks and torches shouting"Nazi Nazi Nazi"many times and one shouted you blacks are teaming up with Germany and hears proof on one page it says your allowed to become captain and a brand is named after you we new you blacks were no good and police arrested him and through him in jail and sentence him to death by firing squad soon however a Democrat sent a accusation of injustice(Ohio is a red state so blacks were not citizens in some areas)and accused the court of false justice so by the law of Jim crow Jesse was released from jail however under the republican authorities he was striped of his rights and went back to being a servant and of middle class households but still tried to get jobs but they didn't last and soon no one would hire him and he moved back in with his parent's as an employee of his fathers steel mill job and carried packages to trucks and moped floors and took care of his father and realized that his life was with his family however he was still ashamed that people think of him as an enemy and that he was called a Nazi however his father handed him a brochure on a new Cult called American Hopi Chiefdom so then he went to Arizona to escape persecution and joined the new R&b movement of Hispanic fusion and went on strike and said that he would not join any jobs and said"i will not work as a servant i deserve better then how i was treated under the Republican government i will be hear till i am allowed to get a job and i will fight the cowards that hate me and Hitlers offer was better then what all you bastards did"so he became a Hopi and he was treated like a real person and finally for the first time since he was a kid times were good again and he wanted to prove once and for all that the Aryan vs Semitic philosophy was bogus and supported no side during the cold war and be part of a utopia that didn't hate him because he was a nonwhite and he married and had children with a native American and he began a caste of the Hopi called the Owenites who would take care of his horses once he was dead his family buried him in a temple as a mummy and it is said that they saw the mummy of Jesse walks at night he was a Hopi refugee for many years and opposed the white order and ran for politics as a Anarchist and said that blacks in any state(Democrat or Republican)have no fairness and blacks are nothing but trash to the American society that was mostly white in genetics so based on Hopi state and religion he founded the Owenite sect of blood and isolated himself from everyone so and did not come back to civilization till 1978 when cult based movements were becoming feared(ill tell you later as i continue)so by the end of the 30's as blacks were being persecuted and people tried to vote for republican to turn blacks back into servants however Roosevelt won many times and started to discard any criminal or hate group from voting and this was the real end of the Mafia as the Democrats won many states it was harder to attack or even get to people however other ways were afoot as new crime group was rising known as
Terrorism of course Terrorism has always existed but it wasn't till the 1940's that it was very prominent as a threat and many forms of terrorism was a problem such as destruction to houses as well as sending bombs to houses or poison discs with diseases to get sick and by 1946 America had the highest crime rate on earth and some cities such as New-York and Chicago as the worst cities on earth and people started leaving cities for suburbs. So Jesse started to send flyers to doors and told many people in both Dem and Rep states that the end of the Mafia is near and we don't haft to worry about crooks or criminals again and so vote Democrat and say no to the cold war or WW2 however Terrorism didn't stay in violence plagued America new groups in other countries based on the Nation of Islam Apostate sect founded new evil in Arabia and other places such as the Baath movement(a group that believes in no scanty cloths or sex fetish wear and bans any form of sexual or adult entertainment)as well as the Taliban(supreme illegalization of any form of outside of home conduct)and sponsored by the Nation of Islam in Americas colonies(Guam Hawaii Puerto Rico Eastern Samoa as well as most of Micronesia and had anti American ideologies and tegother with Russia Mongolia and the Soviet Republics would spread the evils of Red liberalism through the world and kill many people and start an anti conservative movement that would plague most countries for the next 4 1/2 decades this would be called the cold war and would be funded secretly by Jesse Owens sect witch people would be interrogated and unknown to Jesse arrogance and anger and told people to vote Democrat meanwhile(and sadly)the Nation of Islam had new members of other ethnic groups(Asians Hispanics Jews Native Americans)and members of all world religions(Taoism Confucianism Sikhism Eastern Orthodox Hinduism Buddhism Jainism Zoroastrianism as well as Afro Catholicism and Judaism)and from these groups there was a sub sect of the Nation of Islam called Scientology witch appeared around the 1930s created by Lafayette Hubbard(Former French Mobster turned Occultist)was"saved"by a member of the nation of Islam and told him that it was not your fault that the Mafia was hated it was the Conservatives who want to control all people(or Fascism)and he must join them to fight them and so he turned himself into the Republicans wear they interrogated him with electric zaps wear he would die So Hubbard joined the Nation of Islam and changed his name to L Ron Hubbard and by this time he would try to have The Nation of Islam spread there influence to other people of non Muslim descent and to his mentors he would just be a tool and one thing he began with was preaching the new message at the time adult entertainment was going through the media and Exploitation Lituroture was becoming popular and so he decided to use it to promote his false doctrine and by the late 40s the Nation of Islam was one of the richest Apostate groups in the country owning millions of dollars in international assets and had thousands of nights and mission states(Terrorism)and no one feared them more then the Anti defamation league and the NAACP as well as many groups who were targets of there evils and crimes however with the support of Stepen fetchit(Americas first rich black actor)and Paramount cartoon studio as well as Saint john the Divine publishing company(St John publications)and getting agents to accuse them of crimes sent the group to court and accused them of a long list of crimes done by the Mafia and the N'O'I  such as murder stealing con artistry as well as hate crimes drug trade with new countries(the colonial parts of Africa and Asia as well as Europe)and most fearful the Nation of Islams stance of Nuclear weapons(they were for them)and L Ron Hubbard was sending them to Scientologist groups in other countries by this time all who were involved were sentence to long Jail terms with any executed and for once it was victory for justice and soon the Anarchist groups of the north and other rights groups such as The NAACP started attacking and suing the group and the Mafias assets were being confiscated many were driven out of business and the Mafia started to be killed of by loss of revenue and trust and by 1948 many movies and cartoons showed more acceptance of diversity and education was done much common with new characters of anti stereotype(yet weird to many)and southern white people started using country and Cajun music and sent letter to non white segregated cities to get music from them and use the Cajun sound with music bars(Allegro adagio and forte as well as Moderato)so by 1944 they invented a new genre called Doo-Wop and it was huge success for both blacks and whites as well as many Asians and Arabs as well as many others so then by the early 50s they decided to add Doo-Wop to Country music and soon many whites joined started listening to it and from that moment on it was called rock music(but was given the name in the 40s for Doo-Wop listeners who kissed each other in the back of the car IE Rock and Roll)so then in the late 40s billboard charts were made to list different songs for people to listen to of different genres and this was the start of integration through ratings and the new movement called television to see different shows from all ethnic back round's of non Americanized studios however the New Nation of Islam(new school started Via 1952)was still powerful and still owned Liberal areas and were Marxist and the Mafia had Conservative ownership and this began the mobs most violent era and soon all over the South and North bombs were mailed to houses who leaned to each party(the Mafia mailed bombs to Liberal households and the N.O.I mailed bombs to Conservative households it was so violent that Scientology(now called the Church of Scientology)broke from the Nation in 1953 and the Mafia lost more groups Fulgencio Batistas was being attacked by Castro(who became Cuba president in 1959)and the Nation of Islam Patrol unit(Crip's and Bloods)were being arrested and tried even in black dominated cities so more shooting were done and there numbers dwindled(by shootings arrests executions and poverty)so new members of what would be called the civil rights movement witch began with protests by using peace and try not to cause harm and people crushed there weapons and defused bombs and broke sticks and this was the beginning of the skinhead/mod culture and try to avoid evils of killing and stealing as well as anti crime beliefs and end of all oppression by any group and an end to house bombings lynchings and hate movements and a fight against Apostasy and Anti-Semitism and women oppression as well as the end of Feudal Serfdom and other fights against evils and so to make a new Genre they made Rock into a more Melodic genre with a fuzz called Garage rock witch would dominate 60s rock music until the British invasion however Jim Crow was still in the system and till the 40s only half the black population owned land by the time of the Nation Of Islams rain and many non whites became rich and excelled in the system who was lead by L Ron Hubbard and it became hard for the Mafia as well as the Ku-Klux-Klan to enter a black area or the Patrol would shoot them and the Nation of Islam was just part of the Mafia it just extended to other groups and Hubbard held life and death powers over his populous and Scientology had a judgement of different afterlives and if people broke just a minor sin then it would be suffering in many Hell's(not just one)one of them being that if you miss a service then you'd go to Limbo(first)then taken to the long lasting anger realm(second)and then your heart is put on a scale for waighing and if balanced then saved however if to heavy or light then eaten by the part alligator part hippo monster which his spirit will live forever in the grave and the anger realm would last millions of years before the judgement beginning in the 60s more assets were lost when Mosque inc was founded by Malcolm X who was shot by Nation of Islam troops since then Mosque Inc was transformed into The Nation of Gods and Earths and took 2 thirds of there adherents however things got worse when a new group came that would decimate both the Mafia and the N.O.I and they were called the Hippies a group of peace loving people who'd came from a combined fusion of the civil rights the Skinheads and influence from some of the bad organizations and said that the Jim crow laws were bad(which is a complete lie)and worse the Peoples party(legal since 1948 what was called Dixie-cratic Mafia who was Jim crowed by the New-deal who instead used the ancient Greek philosophy of Cynicism,belief that humans don,t need treasures and wealth to survive and that people should be close to nature then be in cities).

Corrections of Mr Nations and agreements. O.k i haft to make allot of  corrections and this why i called you.

1.)Your books missing many important such as the fact that America was founded as a Republic and 
it was a 1 party state ran by the Al-postian Conservatives who were anti Democratic and America was founded as a Republic and Democracy was not thought of so anti Democracy group(Populism)
went ant took power in towns and arrested and tortured many who came against them and it was a way to stop Liberalism and was anti Democratic and was founded as a deal between the founding fathers and King George as a Common partnership to be anti Liberal yet sort of liberal as to be for Britain then the war of 1812 came and                            

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