Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Palau Prechristian times

"The stories of are people have ben told time and again with precise accuracy The stories of conquers
of tribes and there struggle under bondage still exist and have good morals as well We also have big
traditions of romance and marriage that will amaze even outsiders and there good for finding love or
if you like stuff for action then we have historical events for warfare."    Sonsorol chieftain 1971.

Noble beginnings 4000 BC-1500 BC. We begin with the negroid-Kausa people settlement of Tobi is-
land who had made fine tools and art such as pottery and boats and weapons They established the Kau-
Jiyonu culture and had respect from other islands. The Notowi were the new group and gave birth to the first chiefdoms As influence spread to other islands a new group appeared The mongoloid group
the Deliva-chan of Vietnamese and Cantonese relation and established Aanio to the north They did
hunting and fishing as well as trade and house building soon Aanio and the Kaujiyonu met and inte-
rmixed and states flourished called Wunnette.

A traditional look of a palauan
woman drawn by natives of Koror.
Rise of empires 1500 BC-100 AD. The first empire Wunnitia appeared in angaur They built cities and established a Feudal system of high priests ran by the blowfish people it spread threw much of
Palau and conquered Yap and Truk as well as Guam Soon they were attacked by the Sawun's and
lost and taken as slaves However a Empress declared rule and Xujo was born Xujo was a society of island socialism were all
land on an island was owned by a Supreme court headed by a
Opiu witch or wizard The court on an island was absolute and
the island was headed by a prince or princess People soon had
to pay taxes to the court to do work and if they did not pay taxes they would be fired and there house taken and be declared enemies
of the court and could be chased and killed for food during hunting
season Soon people on an island had to pay a larger tax and became
perpetual slaves and people were fired more and hunted to semi ex-
tinction But a new branch of warriors came to the islands from The Nazca culture known as the Mon-
deknei cult They arrived on Helen reef in 51AD and taught that The sun will go away in 2075 and a
new sun will rise to rule called Kojiva and give a light
to a new age Soon people of Helen reef would tell the Mondeknei warriors that there people in the nor-
th are being abused The Xujan and Sawun people and eaten soon the Mondeknei Warriors who's
ancestors have traveled for many decades through
the Pacific implemented the Raiyaboju a confederate
league of states soon they would team up with Tobi
and form The Qiolka tribes and go north to Merir
to fight soon battle were intense and fighting lasted
for days and fought in the Sonsorol islands and Ang-
uar soon according to legend something was seen.

"My great grandmother walked up to the emperor of
Xujo and talked to spare her brother from being food
But he sayed that he should be eaten and attacked
her with a club hitting her soon a man came up and
stabbed him with burning wood on the face and it
didn't hurt him and soon it burned his face more and
and he ripped it off and revealed that he wasn't hum-
an but an eel and he stretched his snake head out and
smiled the woman ran and the eel chased them both
Soon they took a flint knife and stabbed his mouth and cut his brain Soon they took him back to there
village and cooks roasted him and cut him they now knew that the high up were not human but sea
creatures known as Saudeleur a man eating human like serpent that can set up empires for themselves
and take food from people and they were all around the islands they knew what should do hunt them
and eat them for barbeques and make sashimi out of them." Koror wizard 1962.

That was what they found out and soon the hunt was on to hunt and eat the ruling eels They got wea-
pons and tools and soon they were hunting and fighting the Xujan leaders and cooking them in many
ways including boiling them frying them and other ways to defeat them they had never eaten so much
in years and also turned them into soup The eels were losing but they sent big eels and ate many peo-
ple But warriors came and slayed many but they still ate them however they could go on to attack the
Sawuns in Koror were people were slaves They attacked them and tied them up and held them as ran-
som of the Sawun parliament on The Senyavin islands headed by a emperor named Jekoi who was
possessed by a evil ghost who lives in a hot spring The ghost was multi headed and the emperor often
changed his voice and personality The emperor had no choice but to go and the eels went as well and
the parliament went with the emperor and after days at sea the emperor was getting sick and starved
and got to Koror Soon the eel emperor met with the Sawun emperor and fought him without him kno-
wing his true identity and shot eye lasers at him and burned him The Sawun emperor wondered why
he could use lasers and soon a giant eel came out of the water and grabbed them and ate him and half of his parliament and his spirit was trapped inside the eel However the people cought the eel and ate him
and the spirit went free as well as the politicians and they still haunt Koror till this day as multi headed monsters However the when Saudeleurs ate the emperor and his council they claimed the rig-
ht to take the thrown in the Senyanvin islands and there they would later takeover the village of Hua
jine more famously known as Nan madol or by commoners Soun nan leng and The Sawuns were now
servants as well.

Rise of the kingdoms 100 AD-1500 AD. The first to rise as a king was Emperor Niumgo later named
king of newly established Peleliu in Koror he wanted to destroy the power of the emperors once and
for all and had a sage on his side who established a 7 clan system 1.The royal family 2.The chieftains
3.The high Elders who command the army 4.The army 5.The new settlers 6.The Servants of the new
Settlers headed by a high elder and 7.The nomads(who could be loyal to a high elder)The most power
ful was a high elder and could not be questioned Sense this time tribes grew huge and the war on the
emperors had begun Soon in 154 AD Peleliu was winning and people in both Koror and Xujo were
liberated After the war Xujo and the Sawun systems were abolished and the Kingdom of Peleliu was
united King Niumgo would run constitutionally for 70 years Longer then any leader in its history and
would grow to make every political decision and would have limited power over his subjects and co-
uld go to a place whenever they wanted and keep whatever they created and there was no form of
communism So if someone wanted something from a person he could not have it because it was his
and every one owned land and all the slaves were set free and farming grew By 572 AD the Monde-
knei Warriors told because you know that supernatural creature like the Saudeleurs existed others
would exist as well and sayed that the world is full of mysteries and they should discover them and
know about them and a school was founded by the warriors called Gjioha and Mondeknei became a
established religion and while the King had power the Cabinet of Witches and Wizards advised him
and other Kings as well and people worshiped spirit elders of squids and clouds as well as water and
trees and made temples to them However Peleliu state was only in Koror more south another King
was on the rise Kojuhstan in Pulo anna headed by a Stanite They were less hierarchical then Peleliu
with only a council of 2 houses The Electivate and The wizards and the Palm tree club and its mem-
bers the Electivate and to be in the council the person would go on a trip threw a cave full of Ghosts
and say spells and once complete drink the cold cup standing on a alter and finally be picked as man
of the council and be declared Councilor by the college and to be Stanite one had to be part of the
Xizo beach house who controlled all the beaches in Central Palau who had 8 families in it and a witch
had to pick a royal family who would rule the Kingdom for 200 years and a Stanite would be picked by whoever catches the most birds and this is what Palau would be till 1500 Kinoma was another
kingdom ran by the temple of Bivelu and were highly known for bringing people to worship the
parrots However in 781 AD the dead rose from the grave as ghosts and possessed the kings and
told people that the Yindo boaters of Yap and Koror should be leaders and formed Mikhemo
witch took all the islands monarchies and formed a Confederation with the Yindo and the Mondeknei
was complete Mikhemo had many states in it and people voted to invade people and give ideas to run
a state as well as having a house to discuss politics and voting to enact laws to prepare holidays.

Origin of the Saudeleurs. "We begin when a comet crashed in the water many moons ago and created
slime coral and demons came out of them and went on land the coral was dead eels and they met the
Sorcery house of Hell and talked to them soon a ear showed up in the sky and told them that people
of the moon was hearing them this month So they built a temple to reach them and it zapped them to
eels and went back to earth and sealed them in a volcano under water were they still live and vowed
over throw humanity by posing as other humans."    Spirit to a traveler 1954.

That's exactly what they were Demons and out to control Micronesia They have many powers such as
psychic abilities and fire breath as well as ice ray and nature control They were destroyed many times
and are responsible for spreading diseases and bad luck as well and if you/someone did evil he could be a Saudeleur as well But before Palau reached the surface they had a society under water called Ico
Guan and killed sea creatures and polluted waters and when the islands reached the surface they went
It is sayed that Saudeleurs head gangs piracy and the Mafia today and are hunted constantly.

Mondeknei afterlife rules. "Afterlife begins when one enters the judgment room of a wizard and sands the dying and says spells to him and a mask is given to shield him from demons and then explains 5 tribes."      Mondeknei adherent 1988.

1.)The stone. Use a Jinx stone to scare demons away from you as a defence.

2.)Speak backwards to the guild so he gets your attention.

3.)Join one of the five tribes as protection and it would be his ticket to Anguar for purification.

4.)Talk to a mummy under a river for information.

5.)Saudeleurs. (Main obstacle)would try to take the soul of the traveler If this happens then they can
destroy it and he would go into The dimension of screech and suffer till someone else gives him one
or his body would be a Funto(Palauan version of a Vempire).

Enter the Japanese Spanish and pirates 1500-1900. Spain and Japan beached in 1502 Samurais and conquistadors invaded and warred for 50 years soon they took over much of Micronesia and declared
it the Con Muibu empire and violence rained The Saudeleurs and Sawuns ate many Japanese and
Spaniards in Pohnpei and Kosrae However the Saudeleurs went and invaded many islands and Sawuns also attacked many people soon people were food for the Sawuns and they were hunted
However The Sawuns helped the Yindo against the foreigners and set up Huykola on Yap and
Koror Witch sided with Mikhemo for protection and set up a wall against the invaders People who
stayed became Pirates and had states of slaves and recourse luting Some teamed with the Saudeleurs
and Sawuns Soon a huge mafia was formed with the evil natives such as the Nights of black sand and
the Sorcerers cloth.

Marriage and chastity. In tradition of Palauan mating one must achieve there natural love to be a
accomplished individual many witches of Koror agree with this saying witch means mating
for a loved one and anyone no mater what age(baby-elderly)is allowed to mate or have romantic
appeal or even gene mixing hears a few ways some one gets hitched.

1)whole village submission. when a village is invaded a chieftain can issue this law as a way to
put force every person to sleep with the invading warriors(some were women by the way)and
the victims must do whatever a warrior says and could even impose Erotic bondage if she likes him or he likes her.

2)Mating discipline. if some one in the community if younger then 17 is unruly and spoiled a wizard
would take him/her to live with him and learn morals and guidance if he or she is not following them
then he would use hypnotism to think of all erotic things a person thought about some one and be
given the ritual of eroticism and creatures would appear in the shape of sexualized versions of
there mates and he would experiment with a whip and smacking items as well as kink bondage
and birching and read his mind and study orgasm arousal and panic attacks if finished study
nightmares when sleeping and hallucinations and study if he improves and for the women or men he
she thought about he would send them to court and they would be sued by the wizard and the deffen-
dents would not be allowed to defend themselves only if the wizard say they could and if a guilty
verdict is declared they could get life in jail or banished or even if decided the death penalty. 

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