Saturday, March 15, 2014

Argentina Sci&Tech

Argentina Science and technology. In its history Argentina has given world renown tech and science
The first computer was piloted there in 1828 and Baroque pop was created in the country in 1954
witch lead to creations in heavy-metal and Punk as well as Art rock and Cable TV was experimented
as well here are a few things Argentina has given the world.

1)Music . Argentina has developed modern music and one huge thing is Punk rock and Rap
as well as Metal all these are from Baroque pop developed by tango fusion of Midnight Jazz and
Asian soul thrown in with cruddy lyrics and death images Soon in 1958 Brazilian-French DJ
combined the rock Guitar with Baroque pop and made the very first Garage rock using his
Frankincense record and later wen it fused with Surf music(Ska Arab music and Hawaiian folk)
they made Surf rock and it became really aggressive and fast wen Psychedelic rock was created
and people in 1967 referred to It as Garage tornado or Garage rock and later in 1970 as Punk
and it became less aggressive wen new bands such as the Vibrators and the Ramones made the scene

Humble beginnings. Wen Spaniards went to Rio-Plata and founded Buenos-Ares in the 1500s they
discovered silver and mind there soon they went outward and found more and so they called the
place Argentina(land of silver)and people went there to bring back ore and get rich and soon
a scientist discovered that silver came from a nebula from far away and also found that Comets
come from nebulas and crash to earth to bring silver and that's where the science began and soon
started making guesses where Earth really was in the universe soon colleges where put up and
Science was being piloted for the first time and Scientist Jan Han Man invented the first Microscope in Buenos-Ares in 1591 he was a Eye doctor and invented it for people to look farther at small things
and advertised it in news papers and was a success with marketers however people found out that
they could see strange creatures in the glasses and Sade that they were evil so they took it back to
Doctor Han Man he Sade that the creature were small and really small to see with human eyes
and called them Bacteria and Biology was invented so people in Europe who where infected with
black death Sade that a new creature was discovered and called them cells but later people started
making counting mechanisms for calculating movement and numbers during the 1700s and by
the 1820s a new device was made called(using electricity)known as a Computer and studying history
of Automata's in history they found other uses of electricity and called them robots and that's how
it happened and till today people from all over the world use Argentinian tech to do things.
2)Cartooning/movies/entertainment. We begin with there entertainment of Baroque and Native American combinations of Guarani Tiwanaku Diaguita and Aymara(Non Quechua people of the Inca
Empire)Sounds into a Bass fusion called Tango and with the coming of Jazz it was used as a fusion by such as Oscar Alemen and had other developments as well as German and Dutch incorporations
And Ladino(Spanish Jews)folk Ladino is spoken by 2.000.000 people in the country and has come
offs such as Ladino-Greek(with Greek)as well as Ameride(a dialect that uses Americ and other Ethiopian languages)and the Gibraltar-Stonnites(Who came from Gibraltar)Other Dialects include
Some Pepimento that could be just the native language so people can speak Tiwanaku or an African
language without being assimilated and it would be just trading and if you didn't know possibly Creole and Potois might be Arawak some say it's French or English it might be a natal language
Arawak came from Mayan languages so this could be the secret to this countries modernism and
Unlike other places where people are to speak Spanish they are allowed to speak any language
There is no state language and people are free to keep there culture for the next generation and
Like Uruguay who have no state religion Chile has no state ethnicity some say there white or
Native American or even Afro-Creole and some could be Irish or any so this could be more clues
Let's continue with Tango it has classical sounds and by the 1850s Argentina was the Richest country
on earth and with that it became the first Dictatorial country to limit the power its President When
The Democratic Party of the Gaucho Cowboys set up a Federal State separation from Buenos ares
and while Buenos ares was under a tyrannical president the states of non presidential Argentina
we're headed by Principates of a high ranking congressmen who would make all political decisions
from here on and promised equal treatment for indigenous people and promised no destruction to
There culture and by then people started doing other things and they cleaned out Casinos and made
them arcades and started using computers to measure and count as well as do science and people
found ways to make new medicine out of other chemicals by using Talc and melting it down and
adding boron to make Floridic acid and made Floraminid(used in many skin care products)and made
the Binatar(proto Radio)and discovered vinyl in 1875 valcanized it and put sound in it and the record
was born and with Computers they could get blueprints for radios and set up antennas and started
thinking of a drone that will carry them using a trained bird and the satellite was born and using
censorship people could look at waves and sounds for problems and television was born as I was saying before Tango had all these influences and started to be in movies and plays as well as streets
and it wasn't long when it had the themes of the movies and had dark horror tones and scared people
and critics had a new name for this genre Noise music and would grow into many new offshoots
such as Electroacoustic and swing as well as Salsa and Ska and a new club called the Noise club
went international and found a home in Europe Asia Africa and North and south America it had
Surrealist art and by then it Absorbed Impressionism OK first off Impressionism was developed
in France in the 13-1400s and was about copying Impression(Seeing then recording)by then Europe
only copied what they saw and that's how it was meanwhile Spain who was taken over by The Urayads adopted there culture language music and dance known as Baroque and had much popularity
however with Impressionism things became boring so in Argentina Uruguay Paraguay and Chile
as well as other places Baroque had many combinations and was taken back to Spain and combined
with Impressionism made Surrealism and by 1870 many new genres developed other then post Impressionism(developed from American artists who favored Realism and Mannerism)and Cubism
and Dada was made and Expressionism as well as Pointillism and Naturalism soon new schools
broke off and a new entertainment was prevalent you guest it movies witch began as photography
of pictures and made into shorts and companies and Studios became Capitalist by 1912 Paramount
was founded as a non unionist entity and in the same year Universal was founded and instead of
independent films they made B movies and instead of porn they made Exploitation and horror witch
what people only have in Feudal and Socialist states but the majority of theaters were still run by
Unions one person wanted to fight Unions and get rid of them witch for hundreds of years was
almost impossible but finally they could and his name was William Hearst he had an idea by using
Naturalism and what he Called Hearst politics he founded Hearst Corp and wanted to free Studios
from Unions and had a campaign to win people from them then new companies were founded such
as MGM and Walt Disney productions and Warner brothers 20th century fox by world war 2 they
started to have spinoffs such as Hanna-Barberra(MGM)and St johns(from the college)by the 50s
however Argentina went under the Dictatorship of Juan Peron(common because this was the cold
war after all)and he wanted to bring back Unionism and made his wife Eva Peron leader and by then
this great country fell from grace and to have a corner stone by 1953 American musicians and artists
made another Genre Rock and roll as a way to save there genius and still today they are the richest
country in Latin America and also have tall skyscrapers and many malls but this isn't were the story
ends soon when in the 60s when quality was declining media outlets needed something new to
play instead of slow animation so by then foreign studios started to make things such as Rankin-bass
and Murikami-wolf-Swenson and Toei animation(Japan)and British Stop-motion these companies had many hits and Argentinian engineering was no exception soon a Cartoonist known as Quino
created Mafalda witch spawn into a tv series witch aired on PBS and was a huge hit with many
huge merchandise and spawn many new ideas based on its messages such as Sesame street and
Bill Cosbys fat albert and the electric company and the show had a tremendous years spanning
1966-84 however Murikami-Wolf discontinued the series do to economic trouble and competition
from many other cartoons that were made to sell toys However there legacy dos not end there they
also made Hip hop and how it began was gangsters were doing the dozens(IE a person beating up
many people)and it was commonly one against 12 or 24 or up and it did not seem to end so in Buenos
Ares a Vietnam war veteran docked and said that the Ngo dean diem Dictatorship tortured him
for helping a Vietcong back to health from Polio so they gave him poetry and played it over 12
bar blues drums and said stuff about the truth about the real evil of the war and used dark lyrics
and grabbed Blaxploitation movies for fear especially Slashers and splatters and soon Hip hop was
being made and made political references and soon Blowfly with his political messages which
became dirty and sick as well as perverted reached record stores and soon the Diem government
looked bad all this time America was supporting a Tyrannical government that killed people daily
and Cambodia who was under a no better Military rule of Lon nol who opened a pro-western
program which made inflation go up 10 full and depleted the riel to a small margin so by 1973
America was to close the Vietnam war so because of there corruption and by 1974 all of Indo
china was the jurisdiction of North Vietnam and America got out while rescuing people so because
Hip hop attacked the war it entered the states and once it did the first Rapper named Rapper Chris(a
former southern French mobster involved with segregation and lynching)had a street hit with his
single Bounce party in 1976 however he did not make anymore albums because it hade racist lyrics
and dirty sex slurs as well as a porno look so instead of bringing it out at once so the nation of
moralism in Buenos Ares(which at the time posed things in Hip hop)decided to sugar code them into
"Morals" and made it easier to trade and soon hate groups such as Nation of Islam and Gods and
Earths started thinking of using it and so it went from fighting the dozens to playing the dozens
so then the genre would be called Hardcore and grow lyric genres by going to other places such as
Porno and Horror-core however the most terrifying genre(developed in 1985)is Gangster witch has
genetics in Hardcore back to the 70s and by 1984 Hardcore grabbed much of the market of the East
coast however the West coast was were things were much darker and in 1986 it was becoming
its own terror so by then it took over the media Hip hop in the 70s and 80s was less aggressive then
later on by the mid 80s Hardcore genres(such as Hardcore Punk Hardcore Christian and Hardcore
Rap music and its fusions such as Thrash dark Thrash and Christian rocks commonly Sardonic lyrics)were dominating the market and influenced other genres such as metal and House music the sad thing
is that Hardcore music was still popular into the 90s and had spinoffs such as Death metal Gangster
rap generation 1 and Dark Alternative Christian who were not Christian but bands with Witchcraft
music however less terrifying genres were Grunge and Melodic Hardcore and Believe it or not Argentina thought of Hardcore even if Garage and Proto punk had Horror Punk sound as early as

Development of electronics and commodities. Lets begin with the Computer around the 1700's computing was reaching a good form of Auto-matta form and in Latin culture there were many of being however a inventor named Phylice Hopre made the first electric data holder by isolating the photons from the electric charges by poring latex into a swirl and drying it in a cold cave this was called the Fylice disc and we know it as the record and to make it play he would use a silver blade
and turn it with a crank and to continue it was a trader from home Spain that found it because he was
a servant who worked for a lord he was accused of creating things under slavery however they thought this was good so they decided to patent it in other colonies to lords and other important people and under the Ministries rule of law the St Juan Diego order of New Spain wrote a petition and Phylice Hopre Productions of computing goods was established and many people who were on fiefs as forced laborers to be factory workers and think of new computing ideas such as the zap orb(a
glass vase using a electric box and circuit breaker to control it and using a dead bulldozer to connect it and put it together and electric zaps came out then it could change colors and make words and even zap write on paper and transfer messages(now known as the email)and even copy images and it was a revolution so they could now draw pictures using electricity and finally they patented it to the Archbishop of Patagonia and the elite started to make things in there homes and other things and Phylice warned that"it could be used as a death ray"and then he worked with more computing such as working with diamonds that could be built to make machines to power the orb and many more however by 1792 he was fired for keeping money which he was not a citizen and was not allowed to keep money and just gave him the job to serve the elite and so he was sent back to his fief but still drew up plans to make new computing inventions to yet make the elite feel more elite and to them his job was to serve the rich and nothing else. But then in 1794 the Elite gave the Zap orb to Militia centurion Leon Ortiz De Rosa and he had plans for it his idea was to use it as a death ray and use it to take over Rio Plata by firing deadly X-ray and Gama rays as well as using them to demolish cities and create disorder and death and use racism to kill Native Americans and many others and unleashed a rain of terror and horror and started a holocaust that would rival that of WW2 or Khmer rouges Cambodia and made other things to make him powerful and was a Psychopath he was so crazy that Spain gave self government in 1798 to Argentina it now named and Juan Manuel became first Creole viceroy of Argentina he called in his high associates to make him supported and began a war for independence and started a revolution that would spread through Latin America and inspire Simon Bolivar and say that he is the new Messiah and that he will rule for millions of and everyone had to pledge elegance to the Viceroy and pray to him however many Creoles did not like him and Terrorist groups formed and began the war for Independence however the De Rosa were pro Spain and crushed any movement to revolutionize the politics however the Argentine Tea and Whig party formed and there job was to commit piracy and highwaymen like ideas to throw gun powder and ammunition and set fire or sink ships so then Manuel De Rosa wrote up a doctrine signed by all military leaders to form The alliance against Buenos Aires each ran with a different Directer and by then they were called Federalists and the people in Buenos Aires Centralists so then the Federalists started founding new schools of tech and craft soon people were thinking of new things such as New ways of medicine such as uses of Sulfonic acid and founding electric inventions such as the rail car and the Radio as well as advancement of Surrealism such as adding it to the Zap orb and using dust and waves to change the art and they could draw art by using suspended animation and this lead to the development of Radio communication television and electrical outlet management and as well as plumbing and as well as bad things such as new weapons such as mustard gas machine guns Discardable ammunition to fire at Buenos Aires witch said that it was still a colony of Spain. Buenos Aires still had a viceroy and was no Republic however Manuel De Rosa wanted to found a Republic on the order of his father who came back from the east and learned new age philosophies from Arabia and practiced ballet and Guru Islam and combined it into his version of Catholicism and had people in Buenos Aires join in his new Sect he called De Rosa Nacionalismo and his goal was to declare the Directors seat into the Chairmen of the Presidium and turn Argentina into a National Dictatorship and start the final solution and destroy anybody who turned against him and other people of the Presidium the Chancellor would lead his politics and continue persecution of Native American and Jews and his father put him in charge of both Centralist and Federalist and made them just competitors but still the civil war continued so the Tea and Whig Party met again and formed secret agencies to spy on Buenos Aires and gather information and capture many militants and found out through torture that De Rosa Government was based on Satanism Witchcraft and Sorcery and sin so angry mobs formed and attacked militants and burned them at the stake and soon De Rosa found out about Tea and Whig party and sent them in mining carts to De Rosa camps(his idea of Concentration or death camps)and kept slavery legal to keep them there however the French came and occupied Uruguay and went into Buenos Aires and marked places with Swastikas when defeated however the Chancellor and five Sermons(makes six)found them and arrested and marked them with swastikas and by 1845 De Rosa was the most tyrannical leader in Argentina however he did not gain any progress and everybody in other states didn't trust him and his Legion didn't like him ether and the Presidium Sermons started calling names behind his back such as Vile raven Killer shark modern barbarian and finally Nacsi and the system Nacsism and sold many crazy ideas to enemies one crazy idea was his belief in Pre Sumerian civilization and had ties to the Illuminati and believed in Creoles being the dominant race and that there Aryans so by 1850 they decided to form a pact with the Tea and Whig for the first time under the authority of the fourth in command Chancellor sneaking behind De Nacsi he was called and went into the De Rosa camps and made a Doctrine to protest the Presidium Legion and called his politics a series of Escapist fantasies based on dumb wishes and impossible accomplishments and accused him of being nothing more then a micro-manager and tolled to have other countries such as Spain Britain America and other powers to stop giving his Government money by this time with the fear of overthrow escaped to Britain were he'd lived for the rest of his life however because there Chairmen jumped ship the civil war stalemated not many battles were fought and the Presidium was forced to abdicate and the Chairmen of the Presidium had no other choice but to be elected Democratically by this time there was no other choice however the Chairmen was now a President and still had to represent De Rosa and everyone still had to pledge there honor to him for the real leader was still De Rosa and had De Rosa art witch called him a hero and it was the Presidents job to Arrange ritual and ceremonies that involved bowing to statues of De Rosa those in the Presidium who refused were thrown into De Rosa camps for life and he was still everywhere this was because he still ran his Legion from far away until 1880 however people in the Federal states could now elect a President through electoral colleges however as well all Presidents came from the military and were always high ranking lieutenants and the final decision would be by the Chancellor before he would be President and because of that no one else could vote however the Country found out about the Computer death ray and found new way to use them such as using lamps and Surrealist identities to complexity and what was called a jump box to transfer signals to cut wires and open new ones and this began what would be called the dial phone as well as channel switching and finally electroacoustic for music and the first car was made in 1842 and it was so complex and people could not control it however new storations were made to simplify the design so it could be sold in other countries and modern steel and new ways to store food such as refrigeration and the development of freeze drying food into lunch meat and smoking(Hot and Cold)and now it was time for a new school of art to develop out of the Surrealist genre of Baroque/Impressionist ideas Naturalism(belief that nature and physics could be understood through Science and understanding and study these ideas were so popular that they went to Italy France Spain and spread through America and reach the English world via Hispanic immigrants and Naturalism was taught in other places and Surrealism followed and was used as a Science and Naturalist painting became the rage soon other countries such as the US and other schools were(Baroque/Realism/Impressionism/Romanticism)were incorporating Surrealism into there art and called it Cubism and soon art that remained unchanged for centuries were now changing and a new school developed in the English French and Peninsular Spanish called Dada(from the Arabic word for cube)so then modern industries moved out of the gilded age and began the progressive age and by 1868 it was time to think of Space travel and Argentina was studying space and discovered Pluto and revolution and gas planets as well that the sun is a giant fire ball and found early evidence of black holes and there danger soon they realize by using De Rosa's Death ray they could put creature in space and drew up plans to make space traveling machines that was shaped like a disc(sound familiar)and used them to launch into space it is quite simple there are several spheres to earth to break through the atmosphere you would go a faster speed and penetrate the spheres so eventually it would go into orbit however once then the animal would pilot the craft and some are said to land on other planets such as mars the moon Jupiter and other places. however one form of space travel was with Dr Tolmac(native American scientist)got a message from far away from earth when he was sending waves long distance from the edge of the universe and it said this.

I'm sending this message from the furthest side of the darkness I'm being oppressed by an evil King and we are trying to get rid of him and i am drifting in a void for may millions of years and i need someones help so send something please i need transportation so i can escape the King and i look really hot.

So Dr Tolmac went to the Lord of Science and said to him"there's a person at the edge of the universe and she needs are help and Her name is Iron Jen Britney Octopus"(or Britney)so we are going to look for a way to save her and we will need to send more messages and she sounds pretty so we will send more massages and get her attention and send her gifts and finally build a flying saucer that is much bigger then the ones we have so i will need lots more silver and steel and more electricity however the lord did not have enough money because of fast industrialization Feudalism was becoming very limited and the lord was loosing power and had less of a say in leadership and there was a Caste system that said"Native Americans must serve whites as Surfs and slaves only"and Dr Tolmac was a Scientist who was not white and he was a disgrace to many people and the government for being more educated then others and had his house robed at night so he would not learn new things and another time people banned him from buying books and had prohibitions put on him(such as not going to the city and telling him to go home to his family were he should be and stop going into a white mans sector so then he decided to make money by selling genetically altered food and sell Elecro acoustic supplies and open restaurants for people so that he could make money and he made a huge sum of Pesos that he started paying for new materials for his flying saucer and he industrialized many cities and soon factories went to work making his extra size Flying saucer he called a Extra terrestrial that was 12 ft long and 5 ft tall(compared with a flying saucer that was small)and launched it on march 24th 1872 and got new messages about Britney and they socialized and Britney tolled him that she had nice body features such as that she had 15 Navels all over her body such as her head and chest as well as her back and that meant she had more then one stomach witch is what he wanted and she sounded better then most girls who had one navel and she also said she had to where a headband to cover up her head bellies and she also said that she had more then 2 hips she said that she hat 6 hips 3 for each side of her buttocks she said that she also has 3 fundament's and much bigger breasts then your average human girl witch she said that made her better then most women and said you should see my much more superior body then all the women you know I'm more beautiful then some of my friends and i can be your girl friend if you say yes and he did and so he worked harder to extend his Extra terrestrial space ship to 20 ft in diameter and now he was ready to launch it into space by adding new gear and speed of 278 miles per hour and so he built the worlds first space station in Patagonia and it was cold and the temperature was 45 degrees below 0 and they called there new place and he was so exited about his mission that he made an automatic drive(Auto drive)so then they launched the Space craft and used the joy stick to break through all off earth spheres and once in space because it weighed zero he put it into Altra-Hyper speed and waited a hole year to reach the edge of the universe and finally they found the radar and found that there was darkness surrounding there craft and soon found a Humanoid laying down on nothing and herd his blind girl friend say help before the King gets to me and he opened the doors to the craft he said"hay Baby my delicious 3 plumbs on the bottom now your safe"so she went into his craft and he closed the doors and went back to the stars and Britney said"I can now see all the stars and i now want to tell you a story about an Angel"Tolmac"is his/her name St Michael Gabriel or Lucifer"Britney"no actually her name was Britney who was the most powerful of all Angels who where living in the Kingdom then she tried to get what she deserved and the no good king went and attacked her and kicked her out of the Kingdom where she drifted for millions of years till after a long time filled nightmare a Savior from a nice planet came and saved his new lovely sweetheart and the stories not over yet there still hast to be a happily ever after once i come to Earth and ill now show my face"and on screen she did and once then he went into a trance and to him she was so beautiful that he became erotic to her after just 5 months the craft landed in the Antarctic circle and went under water to cool down and it went to shore and with many Scientists surrounding the craft found a life form using ex-ray and Dr Tolmac said with joy and excitement you should see her she is so hot so the door opened and once they saw tall legs coming down and a hand the Lord asked one of my scholar's likes you and wants to meet you so why are you hear and once they saw her face instead of thinking she was interesting they were shocked with terror that they froze and the one hand reached out and grabbed the lord and eye zapped other scientists now all others were paralyzed and the Lord captured and Tolmac stepped forward and asked"why did you do that sweetie there my partners in the field and you are holding my boss"Britney"they were scared of me now i can pay them back with these powers and now i declare myself head mistress of Science and i want you to build more ships for me and make weapons and teach me to make and use them and i brought supervisors to keep track of things"small creatures came out of an egg sack from the craft scary bug headed people who walked around and tasted them and Britney said"if you fail my minions will suck you dry and i will use your energy to feed me and my love to mate with me and from now on hes mine and i will run tests on him"Tolmac was in a huge trance and would not mind in any way shape or form how he was treated and she put him in a crystal a gas mask and he would be dipped into a tank of gel to have him go cryogenic and she would study him however since this time other flying saucers appeared near Patagonia and abducted other Scientists and used them for testing and building the government called them Alium(or Aliens)and these Alium league found Buenos Aires and saw that it was not like other places in Argentina the town was closed off by a wall and once they entered the city they saw pictures of De Rosa and militants did solutes to statues and had Pagan like statues of Dragons and fertility deities and people wearing red and the Swastika was embraced though Federalists elected the presidents he was not an important leader it was really De Rosa who was real ruler of the country and ideas still came from him and still drew up plans to pose things and it was a Conservative time lock witch still held on to controversial idea such as Slavery and Child labor and soldiers and no one was a free person if they were a Native American a Black a Women an Atheist or even a blond however if you were a Agnostic a Deist then you could be treated better however Non-Christians were treated worst even if they believed in deities the state laws say that other religions are(not compared to what the Church has as a higher power of Grace and Mercy)being that only Christianity could give Grace(getting something you don't deserve)and Mercy(not getting something you deserve)if that wasn't enough it was so Conservative that no one had electricity there for there was no running water or motorized vehicles and boats still had to be rowed with paddles and Baroque art was still being produced(now with Gothic art depicting anti modern and anti Native American and hatred against other religions and this was were Dr Tolmac was dropped off so into the hands of the President and it was now obvious for people outside Buenos Aires that the Federalists were stopping the Buenos Aires state to protect the freedoms and rights of the people and safety of all the oppressed while De Rosa was the De Jure leader and to the President Britney was pretty like a rose and allowed her into his palace and invite her to dinner and had Dr Tolmac serve food as a mind and body controlled slave and struck a deal with the President that if he and his legion join her Witchcraft group called Skeleton dead Masonry then he could win a victory against the Federalists and create the country De-Rosa wanted(and was failing at doing it)She gave a Confidence scheme that he should win easily because his legion was more brutal and violent however the other states developed better weapons bombs and training that they would be defeated by the Federalists witch were closing in on Buenos Aires however she would kidnap a sermon and 20 militants and take them to the Federalists who threw them in jail now disguised as a mad biker for the more liberal group and faked partnerships to have people side with her and she wanted to renew fighting but nobody shot the first gun and others refused however it was not because of peace it was because an epidemic of different plagues such as destruction to crops spread of pneumonia rise in inflation from war and a great recession from bad business however it was time for Buenos Aires to attack however the capital was worse and soldiers got sick and for the first time in years not a ounce of blood was dropped and people were busy taking care of other issues and as time went on battles decreased and many Terrorist groups on both made an armistice and meanwhile in Britain De-Rosa knew that what he did was for nothing and everything(such as the war the invasions the Totalitarian State witch benefited not even him and now he knows that all his evils have made a person so unhappy that they attracted a new threat this time from some ware faraway in a unknown area witch he would not even know where they came from and he knew that he would end up with the curse and catch one of the plagues and when one of his ambassadors(who had the Virus sneezed at him and later at home got sick and caught a cold and soon all he did was lay around choked on a sore throat and puked on slime later on he was rushed to the hospital wear sergeants did there however he died in the morning at 7;00 1877 however the President in Buenos Aires didn't get the memo and the war ended in 1880 once then De Rosa's body was taken off the boat at Buenos Aires harbor and was mummified and berried in a Grave yard outside of Buenos Aires(because nobody wanted his grave in there town)however he was buried in a nice Graveyard because he was high ranking and considered a hero by the government and recorded diploma into the wall of hero's and gave him the medal of honor and the President in 1880 said his speech and this was what said"De Rosa has an honor far above that of Ab Lincoln George Washington Napoleon Bonn and Simon Bolivar,liberated the Spanish countries from Spain,I think he is the best leader above all and held his own when nobody liked him he is the best example of Presidency the new World has seen and so i christen this day,The first day of the movie industry(so they could make movies about De Rosa)so this is how the movie industry caught on and they started making movies about the triumph of De Rosa and his victories and loses during the civil war and how great he was However nobody went to the movies(reasons they didn't have the theaters we have now and instead were sideshows and were not well animated and were done by a crank and people had to pay one coin after another and people always ran out and people started thinking of new ways to thinking and at the time the Electoral college were the only people who voted for a President(the government was owned by the military)and approved by the General(who could say no)and the Schools were to be Impressionist or Baroque however Surrealism and Realism was becoming a new
form of art as the great modernization and went from paintings and drawings to metal Sculpting of iron sodium magnesium(magnet)and telecom speaking(now known as the telephone)and used the bulb for its power and and bring to life the camcorder(or camera recorder)to play movies for longer times without paying a cent and side shows as a solution became ride-ins(now drive ins)to get more then 75 people in a lot for seeing through a tow-booth(which would pay for a cinema)to project a picture on a machine and made it more animated and had better color to distribute(black and white red and yellow blue and white yellow red,IE Grey Orange Sky blue Green Purple and even pink,if combined with red and white)and it would start with Blue then combine with other colors by other crew members and artists)soon in 1892 the movie industry was just getting of the ground however all the movies were about the Civil war and feature De Rosa as a hero but a Demon with fangs a split tongue and a layer of eggs to give birth to alien like children and has wings of a raven and metal hands and feet and jump 100 000 feet into the air and have a pony hair like legs and had a red suit with a Swastika on it thus representing peace to him and the end credits said,"Peace to them all and there scoundrel leader"and a Swastika showed that said the Britney-Nazi,s which accused the De Rosa Presidency as a tool of the Britney alien group and found out that there were Demon running
the Government and the meeting of the Tea party was the problem which was at violent conflict with evil Britney babies which are giving birth to Anti De Rosa Demons in movies now borrowing from the Britney Cult(Britolotry)and that there agents were everywhere(Britney-Nazis)and that Britain had a hand in it(Victorian era)and they were supported by Britain who sent them money and Racism was a subject of the movies and Queen Victoria was a Britney Tyrant who hated Democracy hired knights of the Jesuit Society to kill and torture people and treated them unkind and put to death hundreds of Suffrage supporters and blocked people from New Zealand(which allowed women to vote)increased the police force and blocked people in ghettos forbid religious freedom and sent the court to different parts of the world to conquer,"the world is mine"and made a kid Prime minister(Aleister Crowley)and nobody knows if these movies were however it made people question Britain's"good"leadership and lack of human rights and the absolution powers of the British Parliament and there many fights with there colonies lack of health bad education spoiled philosophers(Isaac Newton Charles Darwin the Victorians and Tutors)who were attacked by the Parliament for there unusual thinking and swore hatred against them So Karl Marx sued the British government for all its tyranny and others filed suit as well some of there other people in former British colonies(American states such as New-York Mass Georgia and other places also many refugees in many places such as Africa Australia,were prisoners were sent for dumb reasons,as well as Polynesia and Melanesia,were mutinies and pirates were a common plaque and many people who kept leaving,for those places)it did not end there the British kingdom since the breakaway of the Anglican church tried to stop many sects from flowering and created anti British movements such as the founding of the American Republic and the U,S constitution which prohibited British Monarchism in its amendments as well as other places with anti British sentiment however Argentine inventors were sent to Britain along with 400 college deans and saw how bad it was so then they opened up trade between Britain and Argentina and ended the crowns 400 year rain of terror of the over the world and started opening up trade with other countries as well as limiting the Parliaments power and letting the suffragists have a say in there politics and of course Argentine tech went north for the first time and the new group who settled were called Progressives and sent computers movies and other achievements that were isolated from other places and now after the death of Victoria the right to vote was going to be granted finally and to it subjects and end Feudal peonage and modify the land and stop the Parliament from being powerful and vote in a elected leadership so technology by the masses came to other countries and gave rights to the common British people and back in Argentina the Government continued to allow De Rosa be in Movies as a Evil villain barbarian tying to conquer many lands however failing every time and even the congress liked it and movies about De Rosa became a huge success and became the first box office smash(as in De Rosa was smashed in the end always)and the name stuck and the Anti De Rosa film industry went to other places and spun new Villains such as Fu Manchu and Step-it fetch-it and others however people got board of the same thing over and over so they decided to bass movies on his enemies and soon new plots were thought of such as what was based on there agencies and the first movie on them was made that would change the world Spy movie, the first ever movie to combine cartoon with live action and features to Argentine children during the civil war who become secret spies for a detective agency called the H,E,R,O(Hermlock's entry running organization)which is headed by detective Hermlock(early influence of Sherlock Homes)and get spy weapons to spy on Demons(who are cartoon character's and the weapons powers are cartooned)and fight for justice then fight De Rosa and it ends with them in Britain as they fight De Rosa and save the world and put Queen Victoria behind bars and the war ends and Spy movie became such a hit that it Spun a sequel called Spy movie 2,the talking car, and a lesser known hit Spy movie 3,the exploding tape mission, and who could ever forget Spy movie 4,and the Tesla death ray, which broke huge records and won a 1914 Governor award for best plot design idea and writing then it went unto winning a King and Prince award in Europe and Russia for its positive messages and a Emperor award for best acting and today on the list of best movies it was listed number 4 on the Top 5 best movies of the 1910s, and called the"worlds first good movie"as opposed to Spy movie being the first Spy movie and so they decided to make Spy movie 5,the stolen museum crystal, and they thought they could've got a 5th hit however it was but controversy was issued because the movie was scary(the Crystal was found in a guys teeth put in by dentistry of chisels hammers and saws)and the truth was revealed that De Rosa was not a hero thus the name was H,E,R,O agency however people thought of making the first plot to scare people with the release of the film Horror movie, it was about militants rising from the dead with the help of Nazi magic(it was now called)and attacking people and draining energy and eating them for dinner on Venus to cook victims and Mars to refrigerate them Because of that Spy movie 5 was banned and was taken out of theaters however a new invention was being invented called movies on radio(first time movies had sound)and put it on a screen in other places and so TV became an industry and people watched TV in bars clubs malls and on streets so now they were the worlds first richest country and many people and critics started calling there movies and TV The beginning of the Classic age of Cinema, and when El A post ol was released the jig was up and it revealed that they used the same Villains and Revealed that De Rosa was pure Evil and also a satire of the Argentine Dictatorship under Yrigoyen and said that he set up a Cult to lie to the citizens and this caused backlash however there influenced worked and movies were in other countries such as France Germany America Japan and many other areas such as Russia(since the end of the empire)Britain(once Suffrage was installed)movies date back many decades and no one knows how they were made and it was said that in China paper shadow play was made to look animated but Argentina paved the way unlike many countries before them and nothing could compare to what Argentine tech could do and started there era of the Classic age of movies 1882-1928 and got the image of movies into the minds and hearts of the world however it would end with the coming of Americas Golden age of Hollywood(1928-1962)with the release of Mortimer mouses tug boat willy(who we know as Micky mouse)by a poorly educated person named Walter"Walt"Disney and began gaining success however it wouldn't be for Argentina that people would know who he was and many people could not get where we are today and a better tomorrow was with Argentina the former greatest country on earth before WW2.

Development of contemporary electronics 1940s-present. I bet you wonder how the internet and the modern computer and rock music and other things we have now in are home became so common with years its because(You guessed it.!/Vas guesho que)how they say in Argentonese Argentina and how about the big 80s fad online shopping first the internet and how it came to be and video games not to mention desk/laptop computers we start after the war in 1946 a soldier was charged with war crimes and almost sentence to death by bull ramming and so as a last resort he was to play a game with Juan Peron for his freedom and won so he went free and it was all over the news and this lead to many newspapers and news movies to become produced however it was not enough and inflation skyrocketed and Peron was blamed for it(The President sponsored the media back then)however Peron'"hay why don't I increase my popularity by 10 full, why don,t i use the radio screen that seem to not be doing well"so he opened A,B Tam(founded in 1918 as Argentine broadcast of The Spy movie series)so Peron thought"i,ll buy this and turn it into a major player in entertainment"so he sent his military to go and attack and shoot many people and arrest people and enslaved them to make other media about him and Called it welcome to tel live village'"were every bodies happy"and made different stuff for broadcasting and made TV cheaper and went global and for the first time TV and video stores opened and people made many advertisements as well as the opening of the first Communicative secretary order of censorship(C,S,O,C,)witch hunted down vile media(M,strips Crime comics racist literature Hate movies and other forms of corruption however he did this to advance his power ten full and set up a order that he could keep to him self and that he would be President of all forever and the C,S,O,C became a non public run government were he made all the decisions and made himself a cult that would make himself the New Messiah and forced everyone to go to church so they could follow his new rite The Peronite church and made Mrs Peron(Evita)Traditionalist Mana(Pope except a women)and had her have life and death powers over the people and ripped up peoples civil leadership and made himself President for life and destroyed public owned markets and bombed houses with atom bombs and gassed prisoners into confessing and allowing Evita to adopt children so that she would mother them into soldiers and propaganda was the major way to lie to people and this increased the demand for TV and it was cheaper and there was no inflation however his order became very autocratic and forced people to go to all day work and school and in no where else in there history did state sponsorship create something so pagan and evil and Peron thought it would last forever however Evita was held hostage in a coup and tortured her with molten armor and forced kids to use paddles on her secret agents found them then had Evita,s army of children arrested and lead to nation wide terrorism this put an end to the countries many years of advancement witch ended when Evita was being nursed as Peron looked at his wife in sadness when the Major physician said she wont make it and Evita died in 1952 at the age of only 34 now saddened by his wives passing he was now angry and started rounding up enemies and put them in death camps as he revealed that his mentor was really Salazar and Vargas and set up Feudal like leaders voted by only him.                   Erased thesis from my data.                       

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