Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dying Empires(Spanish/British/Arab/others)

Empire, definition, a wide range of area that has many people with common products or language Religion or even colonies.

That is the real meaning of an Empire(Country or not)and i can list several or many places that have dying Empires an empire is not just a place but a sect of a Religion a Language or even a doctrine or School it can be a Dynasty or even a character i will know start with what is the most obvious Empire.

Spanish, If your familiar with Spanish and its popularity in many countries i got news for The language is dying at a slow but effective rate back then many people in Spanish colonies spoke the language however mostly coastal now speak it for instance some examples in the past were The Philippines Guam Sei pan the Mariana trench and most Caribbean countries later they were lost in a bloody colonial horde of battles and were taken by many and that was only the first step others followed as well as the many colonies lost in battles and wars however that is not the only threat in the Philippines anti Spanish propaganda has killed of the Romance language and few speak it now a days other problems are the new Persons such as Tu Nos Us ted and many others the only 3 Caribbean countries(Cuba Dominican Rep and Puerto Rico)while there surrounding places don,t speak much however other paces such as Paraguay is speaking a fused Spanish(with Guarani and Amish German).

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