Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Positive Cambodia

Cambodia the great kingdom. From the monotheistic cultures of the Occidental west we now go to the Oriental east(that means native or traditional indigenous ext)we go to one of the most exotic countries and most influencial as well yes I mean Cambodia it is the country with the Khmer populace and the was the most state based society for 5000 years there first parents were the Dragon
Chieftains who ruled there first state known as Funam and made its citizens have a religion known as
Hindu-Bushmenism(syncret Hindu tribal beliefs)and made a class of loyal farmers and slaves(however they owned everything including other farmers)and made people pay taxes however the Chieftains owned nothing and the office belonged to the Union of the Dragons held by Bushmen Tapus however this was an advantage so Chieftains had unlimited powers and because bought or sold anything or trade they could put people to death and torture them and had the power to
make themselves gods by making temples to themselves and could install a shogun court if they wanted and soon many people of the majority of people were slaves owning a one room cabin were
many as 40 people lived(slave means save some one save/slave)and a small tree were many ate planted by a farmer who lived in one of 7 clans called Riceland or Kampuchea and one farmer named
Rice pattey(Campur ruge)and declared herself Empress and declared war on the Funamese(grandsons of Dragons)however they sent there grandfathers from the underworld(who were Dragons)and shot
lasers at them and the Chieftains installed more laws to make them tyrannical and blown up many
militaries and made soldiers food for dragons and drained rivers for thirst however all seemed lost till
a message came to Emperor Campur the 2nd and told him how to defeat Funam and it went like this " On the half year coronation of the new prince he will go to far and get the parliament angry" and this
is what happened soon he used his shogun to burn a tapu and the magistrate accused him of vandalism so his subjects rioted and destroyed the cities that were built and owned by slaves witch
gave the Campurs(or Khmers)to attack and slaughter the Funamese leaders and crush there shoguns
and soon the Khmer empire got its independence and to end land problems the Emperor installed
temporary socialism and the empire covered all of South east Asia and would last 1,200 years and
and be annexed by France as Cambodia and by 400 AD Buddhism was introduced from the Chalakians and made it law and set up Sanghas of elders and helpers to free people from poverty
and attain Nirvana they debated if they should use Hinduism or Buddhism for a state religion and 
could not make up there mind so they made one combination one house Hindu the other Buddhist
and made it a Demarchy(ran by different philosophies)soon a new sect called Theravada would form this combination and the Emperor would be nominated for people to keep him or vote him out
then the Sah(or Shah)will run things Ill tell you how the story began it was in the year 2500 BC
and in Chalakia witch ruled over south India for many centuries were being taken over by the
Sanskrit people and so the Prince and his Chalakian tribes nomadicly went to South east Asia and
met the Dragon King and he saw his Beautiful daughter and slept with her as well as his tribes
and the Dragon king found out and Jailed him So he made a deal saying if he does a challenge
then he could be married to his daughter and have his tribe do the same and it was going into a
volcano and get the Ankor crystals and shine them on the mountain for laser ritual and so he did
and his daughter turned into a woman and after they got married they spent many days mating
and kissing soon the dragon princess had children named Sumunku 1-8 and they would spend
days in the spring trying to teach them resistance at and strengthen there bodies for life after
5 months they started maturing and doing things for her such as cleaning her layer and brushing
her teeth and put them in districts and one day Sumunku mother went and stole money from a
passer by and threw him into a tree and later she lied to her father about dropping his pants off
but it was really burned and she stole money from somebodies house and bought new ones
and used a card game to get cloths for her children and she cheated on her husband by dating
a young passer byer however she went over to 10 peoples houses to Steel money diamonds
furniture cleaning supplies and livestock such as pigs chickens cows and animal fur and Sumunku
4 came home and asked her " were did you get all of this stuff mother " I stole them and if I were
you Id join in" 4"but why " Because we are a Dragon family Steeling and Cheating should not
be a crime to us because were Dragons and as long as we don't hurt anyone then its OK by the
way here are some letters go and deliver them to the people it says that a hunter stole everything
and a school of ducks " and later I will put animals in a fencing and charge people 200 bars of gold
to buy them " 4 I do not want to steel "Mother" Then you will not be a Dragon and become human
I know 1 and 2 are going to join me in Steeling an entire crop field by entertaining them with plays
and puppets while I take a cart and steel pumpkins onions garlic tomato's carats as well as his house
stuff and pets so what I'm saying is I want the whole family to have fun so one day daddy might
buy a mountain chain so we could steel wild life such as lizards plants water and chemicals one week
later " mother" it was a disaster children 1 and 2 were doing so good with the puppets and plays while
I was picking apples and squash not to mention melons and cantaloupe and corn all hid away in the
carriage I stole this morning and I was just finishing with the rice field until I saw it a beautiful chocolate tree filled with pods of deliciousness and I got one then he came and do you know
why because 2 bored him with a story witch made him leave and found me while they followed him
you two are stupid I am ashamed of both of you and it didn't end there he went and got his sword
and spear and tried to slaughter us we tried to explain that were Dragons and Steeling is not law
then we said were just tax collectors so he left us alone and said that coco tree is on your tax but then
his Chieftain came home and said that it wasn't tax season so he and his Militia came and dumped
tar and feathers on us so we ran and got the carriage and got out and we did not go fast enough so
we dropped food to lighten the load until we got back here and this is mostly what's left pumpkin
seeds I hate it when people take steeling seriously I mean why cant people accept robbery and as
punishment both of you will be married to a human dominatrix until you learn to listen to me and
only I can divorce you and she will be paid extra and as discipline you all will go to the Chieftains
house and rob him OK so they did and he was a hugely rich man with gold jewels tiger ivory and platinum and were given the nicest things and ate many things slept soundly and were treated to
medicine and art however months passed and mother dragon did not have any of her children come
back and thought about all the wealth she could of had and only had pumpkin seeds to eat and
sour lime juice as a drink for other food groups she tried to reach she slaughtered livestock and
only had meat also her husband fought over food with her while her children were having more
prosperous lives she thought at least her first two sons were having the worst time but no they
had many fun times even if she was hard with them and had them be her partners at a restaurant were
they were dancers and dealers making not much money and Psychics were out looking for Dragon
mother and always found her and attacked her with rays of energy and she got away with her husband
and all there stolen stuff was confiscated with there stuff gone she had no more things and took her
things to her ranch to be soled and only made platinum coins and to make things worse wanted
posters were everywhere and finely she hatched an idea and disguised her husband as a delivery
man and made him go in to see there kids and found them and asked why you stupid no good
children of mine you left us without food or money or even health and I can barely recognize any
of you I want all of you to give us some stuff from this no good Chieftain or I will throw you all
out of our family and live as dumb hobos Sumunku children said against him no we will not you
are not honest enough to be trusted and Dragon mother is a greedy dishonest crook and you are a
her evil accomplice and a pushover you are not a honest person and neither is she we found are home
hear and by the way the militia is looking for mother so goodbye we have thanked the chieftain
for his kindness and gave him hugs and gifts as well as cooked for him and paid him things you don't
deserve nor will Dragon mother "Human father speaks" Why would you side with a man who chased
your mother away for steeling that's fine I will be on my way so goodbye and by that time Dragon
mother tried to divorce her children from there wife but they already had children so no more from
them and her other children got a visit from a gnome who got rid of there dragon traits and made them holy orphans to be watched by a nurse at the Chieftains nunnery and said we are not going
to be them and finely The Dragon kings palace was burned down by an angry mob witch made
him get sealed in the earth for treason and Dragon mother was chained to his tomb with her husband
for life. However Dragon mother still planned to thwart them and so the Chieftain tried to protect the
Sumunku children and Sumunku 3(who's a little girl with few hairs on her head)decided to look
for a way to stay in foster care of the Chieftain by one night a spirit came to her and said in 20
nights there will be 20 dreams coming to life 10 good dreams 10 nightmares opposite every night
witch would destroy many things and eventually flood the world Dragon mother will try to dream
eat them with no success this will ensure your safety on this all dirt and sand planet what do you
have hear mountain rivers that go to the underworld Sumunku 3 said were your mother watches
it drop yes so then I will close the doors to the under world and flood the world after 20 days
and drowned the Dragon king and his relatives and so they'd be coral and then you shall all be
safe it shall begin tonight and end with a rain storm you will be helped by a water dragon to
survive so it began first night was a nightmare witch scared the chieftain soon morning came
and a giant masked monster went and wreaked the forest and destroyed cities as well as ate barns
and did not go till nightfall second night sumunku 2 and 1 with wife had a dream that money
and gold went threw the ground and third night the gold and money turned to demons and goblins
and assaulted many people and stole there belongings 4th night the crops grew candy and the river
juice of pineapple 5th night it was all poisoned and killed hundreds 6th night no taxes to Chieftains
7th night they sent a militia to arrest people and soon the courts started Dragon hunts and killing
and eating them in stews while the Sumunku children were loved and protected everyone of the
Dragons were slaughtered 8th night rainbows covered the place(this is bad news because this means
bad weather)and ninth night rain began and got stronger 10th night the rainbow had ultraviolet light
witch wooed people 11th night they became lasers and disintegrated both dragons and people
12th night unicorns and fillies of beautiful colors appeared 13th night they glowed red eyes and
and shot horn-drills at them 14th night worse things happened the area was filled with bunnies
and kittens then 15th they turned into lions jack rabbits tigers and cartoon like shape shifting hares
16th day hunters came and killed many 17th day they hunted people and the worst 18th day a huge
mall appears and people buy things and is consumed by greed and gambling by then the world is
consumed by Evils of Rabbits lions Unicorns fillies rainbows angry Chieftains putting people in
jail and ultraviolet lasers rain increased and water covered the earth and the spirit put water dragon
powers on the sumunku children and saved there loved ones and met the water dragon society
were they were trained to eat fish and sharks while there mother and father were coral to be taken
as treasure by boaters and made into chests and ivory as well as weapons now the children cried
because they are now orphaned and not for a hole year were they allowed to go to land until it stopped raining if they did they would be put above water and stretched by crabs and if worse
body-burned by sand paper or soft birched on stomach or brush smacked on head stomach(or even in the belly)witch a person could be hit anywhere with a brush same for a wooden spoon could be
hit on the navel 10 times the butt was the fewest times they got hit because it could give them long
lasting pain or a disease so by a year when the rain stopped they picked there spot for the water to
drain and went back to human form the chieftain and subjects made sure that they were not punished
to hard and they had no hurt bottoms and the Chieftain thought I do not want them being dragon
children anymore to get mistreated by there kind so the Spirit appeared again and he asked is there
anyway to cure them of problems sure but its risky they haft to go to the reef(dragon mothers grave
and use hot oil to burn the dragon genes and use the sword to cut a leaf then it would be star fish
have it be there pets by two days it would get there dragon genetics by attracting them and it would
come out of them and they did and they were kimono dragons so they were now humans and the
Kimono dragons went on and attacked people till today many water dragons still lived around and
the six children went different ways however they were still chosen water dragons and many of
them thought that they should have there bellies have hot waxed and then spooned at the hardest of
14 strokes the one water dragon asked why are you not well spooned or brush hit I get them daily
for misbehaving and they force me to be quiet while they do it or they can increase the cracks
but we don't want that to happen to us we want to be well taken care of and not be attacked then
how are you going to grow up to be model citizen if you don't get Spooning's and sand paper burns
said the water dragon by then they reached there fifth birthday and started going to school and saw
there two brothers who have a baby boy who had traits of other people by then they could use a
restore of human genes and be human soon they entered school and fell in love with many students
so by the time they found someone and not just romance a woman who looked like dragon mother
came and said my children and they said what I am your mother you cant be are mother is dead with
are dad no I am your mother I was brought back to life I'm a zombie that woman wasn't me it was
a evil being that gave birth to you as Dragons I was a mummy for 50 years when I rose from the dead
when the demon took my memory when I was dying the Dragon king made a look alike his daughter
who he created from my spirit by using his soul I rose from the dead five years ago and your names
are not Sumunkun its Cheyu puk-bou vala Cunata Ampare and Wantar and your brothers are Neu ki
and Neo ki so what are you kids hear for we were attacked by you and a spirit wanted to save us so
he sent the 20 dreams for destruction and finely we escaped by water and became water-dragon-noid's then people used spoons and sand paper for order why are these people mean ill tell you why
Dragon king was a combination of many different creatures he was a Hobbit long before you were
born thousands even at the time humans had many traits of animals such as lizards pigs monkeys
birds and were much smaller however for some other humans they were much taller then a tree
he however appeared out of craving of many things and so he made you guys threw his gene when I
died I was sad because I did not have anyone being that I did not have a family anymore I lived by
myself in a cottage and was a woods woman who sold wood for little pay I didn't look good so I
could not find a man so I got a pet egg instead I didn't know it would change my future later then
I got mentally ill so I could not remember as much so by then I died in my hammock then mummified so 50 years then I rose from the dead when you all were born so then I was in a trance
and sent that you guys were born finely I have a family again however my thoughts grew with a
senseless anger and revenge as well as thoughts of murder against you guys I thought I have family
again don't kill them so I talked to the sky ghost and asked that they'd be saved so every nightmare or
good dream people had came to life and you all be saved and so where do we go from hear Cheyu
asked I will go back to my grave until I could be reincarnated however ill be watching you all until
you all are taken care of I can move on and pass judgment as you all are part Dragon you will all
later on graduate from school and get jobs or married by then ill go to another person so take care
so then there houses were rebuild and streets were nice again however the Dragon kings many children lived in a lot of places threw isolation gave birth to the ancestral Vietnamese and developed
rice farming however the descendants of Sumunkun were the Khmer and one day water dragons came to land throwing spoiled fish and Sea-berries then a note said that the Water-chieftain was going to visit them and teach them a lesson in being submissive and six different games but they could pick them because there the ones being persecuted for such things so Cheyu picked chess
Pukbou picked trading card battles Cunata picked marshal arts Ampare picked parlor tricks with hats
and capes and if they lost they did not haft to become water dragons but the water-chieftain could pick were they lived and have them makeup for all the discipline they've missed and impose the most
shameful form of them all belting and it would be heavy old utility belt filled with heavy slate rocks
and steel bricks and now they could be hurt on the butt and they would haft to commonly laydown
and is the worst of them all and they met on land with developed children who were 6 7 8 or 9 and already had breasts figures chest hair and growing private parts then the referee appeared and said you kids are not beaten enough people hit these kids many times and have all these beautiful
developments at even five or four while you all have nothing and there having erotic sensations something you all don't have and there getting Bikinis and speedos and smoking and drinking all
those you all don't have or disserve for you all are nothing and useless and disserve no rights freedoms or privileges while my Water-dragons are getting freedom by going to dirty parties and
sleeping with many boys and girls and your fake ugly mother called Dragon mother Evil ill tell you
that she wasn't evil but I am and so are the good people who hurt want to hurt you and its good for
you because evil should happen to children so they could be developed and mate and get freedom
that they disserve and most of them drop out of school and have no jobs and go around breaking
laws and rebelling against rules because all of these things are not evil nor will they ever be evil because evil should happen to children and woman and less to men you all should have nothing
and be treated as pets and be dehumanized and best of all be belted at the hardest and people could
pay to watch threw windows and imagine the long pain and the plagues you'd get so your mother wasn't evil for evil is causing pain witch is good and maybe you will spend all night crying and
getting nightmares and hearing awful sounds and wet the bed and this is my favorite form
of evil yet so ill give you are best water dragons that have the biggest breasts and for the boys ill
get the ones with the biggest poles and what have you picked WHAT? chess whoa trading cards
and parlor tricks cant you guys pick hunting or drinking contests or boxing or anything that makes
you evil I mean everyone should do evil to someone for what is right and because these are pathetic
I will haft to have your competitors be good role-models on how to live your life however I think
marshal arts is fun because it hurts people so Cheyu began with her chess match with a teenager with
leather skin dress and said want to know a secret I cheat at every game maybe if you cheat more
you could be as good as me so they began to set up the board however the competitor set up hers
wrong like checkers and said Cheyu I'm running out of spaces were do I put these other pieces
cheyu said warriors go hear chieftain goes hear pawns go hear priest and mystic go hear ok thank you
but what about the lava pits there are no lava pits in chess well ok so lets begin ill go first aaauh
can I move hear said the competitor yes ok then cheyu took her warrior and took out her pawn what
can you do that yes cheyu said well ill skip my turn ok said cheyu and took her mystic and knocked out two warriors and can I ask you a question yes how does this work each character has a function
some you can go many spaces some you cant said cheyu and her competitor used only pawns every
turn and cheyu took out her priests mystics warriors witch her competitor didn't however break time
happened and her competitor took her fallen pieces put them back up and moved cheyus pieces
back and break time was over and cheyu re knocked them out and her pawns were knocked out
as well and cheyu still had all her pieces and her competitor was panicking and Cheyu had to go
to the bathroom so her competitor did the same thing and put her pieces on the board and lied when
she got back then Cheyu again took her challengers pieces and she then said you haft to move your
Palace wife if she's killed you loose and then she cried and said I don't want to then Cheyu said
you can move your Palace wife anywhere you want however my secret is your chieftain then she said
NO I cant loose however half time happened and she put different pieces from different games
including a bowling pin then Cheyu came back and noticed it and said why hasn't this game ended then took out a red flag and waved it then a judge approached and said your her competitor show
me your skills with Cheyu's pieces well aaaauuh yes I do look hear I take this thing a ma jig and
push this guy into lava then I take this mysterious guy and jump him then I go hear and Chief me
the judge said there is no Chief me in chess you are disqualified a right so for the trading card challenge ill hire this guy with a never ending liking of women Pukbou will cut cards and the
competitor said how about we try a wager ill give you my 25 girlfriends and there cosmetics I got
from them Pukbou split the cards and it began Pukbou got out a Larva card his challenger laughed
and said he's just a stupid worm ill put out my insane monkey to squash you and that's it ok ill put
down this plain card and will drop coins to see who has a better score and I do then the card was un blank and it showed his monkey getting eaten by the larva aaaah gross what is this my survival card
game and there's much more sick stuff then this and you can still win by have your bat eat the larva
ok so he did but his angry grizzly bear ate them and was terrified what is this don't yell and lay a card
to fight him so he got a bear trap and saw blood then vomited and Pukbou got a nuclear skunk card and his challenger fainted and was sent to the infirmary so then he returned with a vomit bag and said
can we play a decent game sure I have friendly-mon its about creatures that are friendly and you haft
to make sure its friends with mine(PS none of them were)so he versed him and lost many friends then
fell asleep then they played war which he lost and Pukbou won the second round now it was Cunatas
turn and he picked Tai chi with Judo and weapons were allowed and his competitor was a big brutal
muscle body builder and he told him that he can lift a rock and beats up many people and said that
if you go and beat on the streets then you will be respected so it began and the muscle man punched at him but he took his staff and blocked it then went and kicked at hit blocked by staff as well then
went and tried to step on him but dodged then Cunata grabbed his hand while rolling and span him
at a fast speed and had him hit walls bricks and then sent him flying then hit the ground hard then the
muscle man got angry and brutally hit at him which were all blocked then Cunata used his staff and
hit him then got nam-chuck's and hit him in many places then punched him and fell and team water-dragon lost there third round then the youngest of all of them Ampare was going to challenge and
then she said I'm yours and the referee thought WHAT? you give up no I want to feel the belting
oh then you made the right decision and ill go and bring it and you can stay hear so your siblings
can watch and we will blindfold you and tie you to a bed and while then put bitter food in your
mouth so they did and he got the belt and everything he promised and put the bitter food in front of
her and had her wear nothing then took the belt and hit at her bottom and then it deflected and hit at himself and said what is this and did it again and it pull out of his hand then whirled then tied him
up and was helpless and shouted for assistance then they un tied him and used other tools like
an open hand which he hit plastic and there was a plastic casing which was almost invisible so they
tried breaking it and nothing happened not even a scratch and then they yelled how are we supposed
to open this Ampare then said with a key and were can I find this key in the mountain of the cow sized rats ok and when I find it you will be hit in other places so they did and found many hungry rats
fighting over the scarce food then dug for the key then rats bit then attacked at there faces then scratched them and ran for another place however they woke up the rat-man and had who cornered
them and said are you looking for this and they asked how did you if you want this then hand me your cloths then they said fine hear and walked back and were attacked by militia pawns and ran
back and said now we will teach you then a woman looked at them and shouted child corrupters and
took a broom and hit them hard then ran to get some-buddy and saw graffiti all over there transportation that stupidest jerks and the woman was back with a angry mob with stones and tar
and said get the child corrupters so the guy grabbed the key and turned it and clicked and got the case off however there was another case and it was fiberglass and this time they needed a key that was down there well so they all jumped in and got stuck and saw the key which they reach so one had to
be removed and drew straws and one was removed and went down in pain and someone lowered
a ladder and climbed up with the key and unlocked the case now we are going to spend all night while doing a condemnation ritual so now screwed for life the Ampare stated sure you can if you
could find your tools what was that she's right someone has stolen are kits no who had done this
then looked a paper and said were still challenging them and wear the competitors then they tried
turning the handle then thought what is this Ampare said didn't I tell you this place is being condemned and the referee said what do you mean it will be burned down by torch and if you
don't do something to save a small child and being its your fault that this happened ill ask you for
one favor the referee shouted what Ampare then said untie me and sneak me out a window the referee
knew he had no choice so he tried to find a utensil sharp enough and the only choice was the key
so he tried and tried then a shadow appeared outside with a light they knew it was fire and smelled
burning wood then tried to get her out then they spotted vase and broke it and used the glass to free
her then flames appeared on the wall and went faster and freed her then broke a window and got her out but(and literally)not before cutting both her hips then it burned and blazes appeared and smoked
choked them and then the door opened and they escaped only to find the angry mob and the challengers and other angry people who had tar and feathers and the women who saw them the
challenger shouted you embarrassed us now you will pay dearly and jumped them and hit them with
frying pans and clubs then tarred them and feathered and took them to a bull rink and had them red
painted and ramped thus putting the custody battle to an end for the lost the final challenge and the
world was finely safe for them by then the Water-dragons smiled and said you helped us now we don't haft to be tortured for honor and so the water Chieftain stepped down and declared they were not water dragons and people moved to land and saw ground and thought I can be human so
Kimono dragons went out of them and turned into eggs by then the Water-Chieftain visited and
offered freedom for oppressed water dragons by then the waters drained and a cavern formed in
the earth to put all of it and it was called the ocean and continent formed and by then the threat of
the dragon king ended and he was at the deepest trench of the ocean so when the water drained
and land went up they settled on the paw of giant tiger island and made orders Cheyu was leader
and lead one sector then they split other sectors among the other five however temperatures dropped
then it started to snow and waters become warm and so the ice age began so 2 years later they developed modern farming and so Ampare founded an area she called Antar or Angkor and called it
the state of Kampuchea and had people lead the state and its names are combinations of Cun puk and
Cheyu and Angkor Ampare and Wantar who were mayor and vice mayor and if Anglonized then it would be Cambodia and declared that south east Asia is rangered by Kampuchea at Angkor and no
person will be attacked or killed. However the water dragons didn't accept the Sumunku children as leaders however it was not what they wanted it was what the Dragon king and Dragon mother asked
on there death bed that every dragon
son daughter and cousins be whipped
birched bonded and paddled for Dragon
mother to have no one succeed her and
be submissive boys and girls and have
no rights whatsoever so that she could
retain hotness however since many
centuries passed her eroticism waned
her breasts grew to heavy feeling her
belly started to become dirty and
hard to look at she start training
and fighting to retain hotness
however she had to do more
and so by then she decided
that no one would succeed
her and started poisoning
her brothers and sisters and had them suffer diseases of her evil magic and she had many main enemies and she was Dragon king most favorite daughter and gave her the best stuff because to him
she was the most developed and most valued of all his children even though she was very young
and he did not care for them anymore and called them"old garbage"and if he wanted he could put them in a Dragon destroyer(a pool of gold and magic wind)to get rid of them(It is a opposite of lake
of burning fire and brimstone it is the north pole)however he made dragon daughter the head of all
dragon children and earned her Bikini and everyone had to bow down to her and vow on the honor
of her holy women flesh that nobody shall succeed her and if they want to earn there Bikini or nudity
then they haft to bow to get hit or beaten for it and show love then he or she could join the ranks under her however as years went on she got less pretty and people could go against her and many yelled at her so her father had her do sexual shows and lap-dances to win her honor back and it worked however she had no other choice she had to get married and pass her honor to her children
and Human father was that person and after that she was assaulted and treated as a past fad so she founded the water dragon chiefdom so that she could capture any of her enemies(sadly they would
also be her children)and down size them into weaker beings and even after she was dead they would
not dare to defy her or go against the Dragon order. and so hear are our hero's are now without any
support and now Sumunku 3 asks"how are we suppose to have the other people follow us we need a
idea"so they thought and pondered and drew plans then one had it and said"I got it do you know how
are mother got her power from being half naked hears a blueprint and hears all they other people they
get there rank by how less cloths they have so we haft to think of something better oh how about we
dress in to mat loin cloths and give are selves a dominant title and instead of being Dragon children
instead we can be controllers of the universe and have power over gravity and revolution and finely
rebel against are mother and the king and rise up and tear off your dragon shackles and be loincloth
people and grow up trying to strive to be at the center of the universe"so they 2 mats and more and
string them together and changed cloths and had a ritual to create a link to the center of the universe
and painted a creature on all of them then once then Mana shined down on them and cleaned them
of abuse and corruption and unhappiness and then then grandfather of all cosmos(purpose of meaning
anyone)showed and said you all deserve to take my job so now i retire and make you all Universe
gods and goddesses and now you have the power to free everyone(and there the reason)so they went
into town wearing gold monarch necklaces and tiaras soon people went crazy for them and adored them and saw how revealing they are and with the wave of a staph cleaned dragon feature off of them
and people bowed to them and the Sumunku children said ripoff all your cloths and accept the loincloth for freedom from the water chieftain for he uses you for control and let me in and they did
and they saw many bad things such as put in many small.                                                                     

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